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the wonder of you

The teams Christmas party was held at the Banks' home in Edina.

Kendall always loved the Banks' house during the holidays. It always made her feel warm and comfy, like as if she was in one of those picture perfect Christmas cards.

Kendall knocked on the door, someone answering it quickly.

Adams mom opened the door, smiling brightly and suddenly Kendall felt nervous. She hadn't seen the woman since her and Adam's catastrophic end. Her stomach was bound to be filled with butterflies.

"The Conway's! Come on in." She smiled, opening the door wider.

"Everyone is just in the living room." Charlie smiled, muttering a small thank you before making his way away from the door.

Kendall would've too but she got caught. "Oh Kendall, it is so wonderful to see you. As beautiful as always."

Kendall returned the smile, "it's good to see you too, Mrs. Banks. Your home is just so beautiful."

"Thank you, i try. Adam told me how much you love our house this time of year, so in a way it's for you too." Mrs. Banks placed her arm on the girls shoulder, feeling badly for what her son had done. She had always liked Kendall, she always knew that she was the perfect girl for her boy.

"He is right about that. Your decorations always make me feel at home," Kendall laughed, leaning in to hug her side.

"That's the goal! Now I believe the group is waiting for you, along with more decorations." Mrs. Banks nudged her in the direction of the living room, a smile never leaving her face.

"Thank you Mrs. B. I'll enjoy every second that i'm here."

Kendall exhaled, walking into the large living room. Her eyes lit up in awe as they immediately found the huge Christmas tree that stood in the corner. It was lit with the most gorgeous gold lights. Bulbs of red, gold, and green magnifying the whole beauty of the tree.

A fire was ablaze at the edge of the sofa, the coach being feathered with cozy blankets and throw pillows.

She could smell the scent of warm chocolate chip cookies, fresh out of the oven and heard the distant, soft sound of the record players slight crackling as it played Bing Crosby's White Christmas.

Adam Banks sat at the edge of his seat, watching as she took all of it in. Every sight, sound, and smell that could possibly be imagined. He had insisted on helping his mom for the past few days in making it perfect— because she deserved perfect.

He knew as soon as her eyes lit up as she entered the room that he had done it. He had finally made something perfect.

"Merry Christmas guys!" She smiled, breaking from her trance and claiming her seat by the fire. They all smiled back at her, wishing her the same.

She sat with her hand on her chin, gazing at the bright fire in front of her. She smiled, welcoming the warmth that wandered upon her cheeks as she sat.

Her smile widened, feeling eyes gazing at her instead of the fire. Eyes that watched her ever so gently.

"It's perfect, Adam." She read his mind, her eyes remaining on the crackling and sparking of the fire.

A small smile pulled upwards on his lips. At that moment he didn't want to be anywhere else with anyone else. Because at that moment he was enveloped in the beauty that was Kendall Conway.


"Okay, time to open up the secret santa gifts!" Connie shouted excitedly after the group set up the chairs to form a circles.

𝔢𝔫𝔬𝔲𝔤𝔥  𝔣𝔬𝔯 𝔶𝔬𝔲 ⇢ ADAM BANKS (3)Where stories live. Discover now