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"Kendall! You've got mail." Charlie rushed into the girls room placing the envelopes down on her bed.

"Holy shit!" She replied, flustered, looking down at what could've been her future. Envelopes from University of Minnesota, Harvard, Yale, University of Michigan, Boston University and Boston college were sprawled out on her sheets. "Oh my gosh what do i do?" She exclaimed frantically.

"Open them!" Her twin gestured with wide eyes. "Okay, okay! I'm so nervous!" She gritted her teeth, picking up the first envelope. She'd applied to every college hockey program she'd known of, she hoped she would get into a least one. Being a girl, she knew her chances weren't great.

She picked up University of Michigan, "alright, here we go!"

She unwrapped the letter quickly, clutching on tight to the piece of paper as she read we regret to inform you that your application to our hockey program has been denied. Her face fell, "rejected." She muttered, not being able to meet her brothers eyes.

He frowned, "hey that's okay. It's one school, you still have a ton to open!" He patted her shoulder in reassurance, handing her another envelope.

Harvard. We regret to inform you that your application to our hockey program has been denied. "Rejected."

"Harvard sucks anyways," he laughed, handing her another.

Yale. We regret to inform you... "another rejection." He handed her another envelope.

Boston University. We regret to inform you.

Boston College. that your application to our hockey program.

University of Minnesota. Has been denied.

With wide eyes she looked down at the askew letters of rejection. "That was all of them," she muttered barely above a whisper. Tears began to form. Charlie stood there in silence, unsure of what to say.

The tears fell.

That was it. No more hockey. Those schools were her last hope. Her whole life she had worked so hard for this moment and what did she have to show for it? A pile of rejection letters. She broke down, her tears forming into sobs.

The boy sat beside her, hugging her to his chest. Tears forming in his own eyes, this was all that Kendall ever dreamed of, he watched her work for it. And this is how it repays her?

"What do i do Charlie?" She sobbed, "that was my last chance. How am i supposed to be done with hockey for the rest of my life. How?" He rubbed her back soothingly, for once in his life he didn't have the words to help her. So, he remained silent and let her cry.

In that moment, Kendall Conway's life was over.


Adam Banks walked through the frozen foods aisle, looking for something that would cure his midnight munchies later that night. He ultimately settled on the microwavable chicken taquitos.

He was leaving to checkout when a couple of voices caught his attention. "Guy go get some reese's and i'll get the ice cream, we'll meet at the register." He knew exactly whose comfort food those items were.

He turned on his heels, following the voice. He soon found a flustered Connie quickly rushing down the ice cream aisle. "Connie what's going on?"

"Oh hey, Adam." She said examining the ice creams. Adam opened one of the freezer doors grabbing a whole pint of Brewers Chocolate ice cream and handing it to the girl, "here."

Her eyebrows furrowed, looking at him strangely, "thanks? How'd you know-"

"I heard you shouting to Guy. Kendall's comfort foods." He didn't let her finish, already explaining himself, "what happened?"

She sighed heavily, moving the hair out of her face, "she got rejected by a college hockey program."

"Which one?"

She paused, thinking about whether or not this was information she should share. It didn't take long for her to come up with a decision as she replied, "All of them."

The blondes face fell in an instant, "what?"

"Yeah. Every single hockey program she applied to got denied."

He couldn't imagine the pain she felt. Getting rejected to every school. He was almost angry at the fact. "How? She's one of the best hockey players i know!"

Connie snorted, "i know but she's also a girl."

Adam Banks was agitated, this was complete bullshit. The silence between the two of them spoke volumes.

"How is she?" He questioned already knowing the answer.

"A complete wreck." She spoke, finding urgency, "look I gotta go, Charlie 911'd me." She sped off, leaving him by the ice cream. "Oh by the way... congratulations on making it into Harvard." She shouted before disappearing around the corner.

"Thanks." He muttered, devastated for his friend. Any happiness he had of making it into one of the best hockey schools vanished. If he could name one person who loved hockey as much as him, he always would've named Kendall Conway.

He now started browsing the ice cream flavors for himself.


"Come on Kens, you had to have known what the outcome was gonna be." Dean patted her back as her face was buried into a pillow. His comment made her want to bury her head deeper. No, obviously not, jerk.

"I know you're sad about hockey being over for you, but in the big scheme of things is it really all that bad? Maybe hockey just isn't for you. This is a good thing." She knew he was trying to be nice, but at that moment she didn't care. She quickly lifted her tear stained face and pointed towards the door, "leave!"

He stared at her shocked, almost taken aback. "I said leave! Go! Get out of here! I don't want you here." She yelled, pushing the guy off her bed and towards the door.

"Kendall! Why are you doing this?" He shouted at the foot of her door.

She shook her head, "you never believed in me. I can't be with someone who never believed in me!"

The boys eyes widened, before his expression turned somber, "what are you saying?"

Her eyes burnt through his, she was on a war path. "Goodbye Dean." She replied, slamming the door in his face.

There were no protests. Only silence came from the other side of the door. Her ears began to ring because of it. But soon they were filled once more as she heard the heartbroken boy yell, "fuck!" And slam the door to the apartment behind him. That's what she expected. One raging Dean Portman.

She sat emotionless on the floor by her door for what seemed like hours. Silence formed once more. Kendall sat, her legs crossed, she was hurt. She was raged. She was hopeless. Not even the breakup with Dean clicked in her head. What was she supposed to do now?

Peck. Peck. Peck. The sound drew her from the hopelessness trance, her head jerking towards the window. It continued. Peck. Peck. Peck.

She slowly rose to her feet, going to discover. She smiled faintly once she saw the figure of Adam Banks standing below.

She opened her window, him not giving her the chance to speak. "Can I come see you?"


AUTHORS NOTE: thank you for reading, i am so grateful for you all. thank you for your patience with me. let me know if you liked this chapter ♡

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