ɖɛʋɨʟ ʟօʋɛ- 2

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" Wear it now or get lost " he yelled at him. Jungkook looked at the outfit which can't even fit on his body. Jungkook knew the man wanted to humiliate him in front of another man. man wanted to crush Jungkook's self respect and his pride. Jungkook looked at him with tearful eyes. His eyes wanted to say so many things. " pls I can't " jk said. Man just smiled, " Wear it or you won't get any job in any shop or office, " the man said, throwing the dress on his face.

" You don't know my power, I can restrict you from every shop and office, " the man said, taking a sip of his drink. Jk wiped the tears and coldly held the dress in his hands. " If that's what he wants I will do it " jk said in his mind and walked toward the empty room to change into the maid dress.

Soon the door opened revealing Jungkook In the maid dress. He is clenching the dress fabric on his hand and adjusting the size. Man started to laugh looking at the sight of Jungkook in a maid dress. The silence club filled with laughter while Jungkook looked down in shame. " Look at you baby boy, come here, " the man said and signalled him to come in front of him. Jk took small steps with tear eyes and walked toward him. " Mama Mia you look more beautiful than slut " said the man with a wicked smile forming on his face. He took the phone and pressed the recording button. " Is there anyone who wants to have fun with this boy? " he said. Jk breath hitch he looked at him with a shocked expression. ' sir pls don't do this I'm begging you " jk said with joining his hand to him.

While the man is recording everything on his phone to humiliate him more and maybe he will use the video for threat. Because of him, bullying is common in this club. " Enjoy the party boys with him, " he said.

The club man dragged himself toward Jungkook where he was trembling in his place. His whole body is shaking in fear. " Let's have fun with you " before he said something. The club door broke into pieces. All the men who were present in the club gazed at the door. While the club owner furiously stood up from his seat and was ready to beat the person who broke inside his club.

" what the fuck, who are you " man said and soon bulky men come inside the club one by one with their gun on their hands. " Who are you? '' the club owner asked.

His eyes went toward the person who entered inside the club. High heels sound echoed in the silence club and Jungkook's eyes went toward the person whose face was hidden in the dark.

" hi sweetie " a sweet whisper broke the silence while the club owner trembled in his place. On the other hand Jungkook knew the owner of the voice is a girl. His eyes went toward her hand who was caressing the cat's head. " mam, is there any problem? Why did you come here? "the club owner asked in a sweet voice, leaving Jungkook shocked. He is asking Himself in his mind who is the girl is and why he is afraid of her.

" Why can't I come to your place? '' she asked, sitting on the couch which guard bought for her. Her face is still hidden in darkness. While Jungkook is observing the situation, suddenly the club owner and every man present in the club bent down on their knees in front of her except Jungkook who is still confused. Her siren eyes gazed at the man and chuckled left from her mouth. Jungkook bites his lip in nervousness. " Is it new fashion? she asked Jungkook, he shook his head no and looked down in shame. Her eyes glared at the man and looked up and down to see his body which was ready to rip the dress in pieces. Her eyes find him sexy and different from others. He is looking cute and innocent guys in front of her." Who made you wear this? " she asked and his eyes went toward her. He didn't know what to say , if he took the club owner's name he would definitely lose the job " I ask something, " she said.

Jungkook hesitantly pointed the finger at the club owner. Her eyes glare at the man. " Change yourself " she said. Jungkook walked toward the room without hesitation to change into his previous clothes.

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