ɖɛʋɨʟ ʟօʋɛ - 3

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ɖɛʋɨʟ ʟօʋɛ - 3 

Jungkook groaned in pain. sleeping the whole night on the small couch and in the same position. His muscles got cramps. He woke up and effortlessly sat on the couch with messy hair. " What a dream I had last night   , " he said suddenly, his eyes went toward the person who was laying on bed with her legs and arms,  completely taking  up all the space for herself. He rubbed his face in annoyance.

" don't tell me it's not a dream " Jungkook's face palmed himself remembering the yesterday in which he lost his first kiss.

 " Whatever, I hope she will forget the scene, I have to go from there " Jungkook Said taking his jacket and going toward the downstairs quietly, not wanting her to get up.

He came down and was going toward the door until a few guards stopped his way.  " What happened let me go? " Jungkook Said removing their hand from his way.  " Not right now , we will let you go when mam will order us, " the guard said, taking him by surprise.  " What rubbish I want you to get out of my way " Jungkook Said.  But the guards didn't move from his place. 

" not until I will order them " 

A familiar voice caught his attention. He turned toward to see y/n standing staring at him with a smile crept on her face.  " Why is she even smiling? '' Jungkook asked himself but shrugged it off.  " Let me go now I have a job. '' Jungkook asked while y/n climbed down the stairs and stood in front Of him. " Why don't you work for me? " y/n Said, placing her finger on his chin. " I will think later , but tell your guard to let me go first," Jungkook Said. It's not like he was afraid he would feel something strange about her and give him a bad thought, that's why he wanted to go. " Okay I will release until you agree to work for me " y/n said. " And what is your offer? Jungkook asked.  " Be mine sugar baby ".

 The sudden silence filled the hall. Until Jungkook burst into laughter, he laughed holding his stomach and wiping his teary eyes.  " Why are you laughing? '' y/n asked with a stern voice , it's not like she said something wrong  then why he is laughing. 

  " Oh God , your joke is too funny " Jungkook Said while laughing.  " I'm not joking " y/n Said with a deep voice.  Seeing her seriousness Jungkook stopped himself and came toward her.

 " Have you seen yourself, you are just a kid to me and I'm older than you. At this age girls go and make boyfriends, not a sugar baby first grown up, '' Jungkook said. Hearing his confession y/n greeted her teeth in anger. " You, don't see me as a kid, I can rip your heart don't forget I belong to mafia family sweety " y/n Said patting his cheeks while he jerked her hand.

 " control your damn hand, I respect you because you helped me last night as a human and gave me shelter to spend the night but it doesn't mean you own me. Let me go and I will not show my face, " Jungkook said.  " I'm serious Jungkook,  I can give you anything because you make me obsessed with you " y/n said. Jungkook clenched his jaws in anger.  " I'm also a serious kid, I don't want anything from you " Jungkook Said and turned himself to go until she caught his wrist and turned his face to face her.  " What's your problem, last night you enjoyed the kiss then what is this problem now " y/n asked, maintaining eye contact with him.  " Last night you kissed me forcefully without my consent, don't forget and right now you are just being a stubborn kid " Jungkook Said jerked his hand from her.  " Listen kid , have you heard a 19 year old girl wants a 23 year old boy a sugar baby.  Do my hotdogs even fit in you? '' Jungkook said. Her Cheeks took crimson and before she opened her mouth the main door opened her brother came inside with a serious face. 

" oppa " y/n said in happiness and ran toward him to hug him. He immediately catches her running figure in his embrace. " I missed you sissy, " Namjoon said, patting her head.  " oh I missed you also , why didn't you tell me you are coming today " y/n asked her smile got wide seeing her brother Long time.  " I want to give you a surprise, " Namjoon Said until his eyes landed on Jungkook's. Who was awkwardly standing in his place. " Who are you? " Namjoon asked, still he knew who he was?  He has a record of who entered the mansion.  " oh oppa meet Jungkook " y/n said. Namjoon nodded his head, his eyes glared at the person to speak further. " I'm going, Thanks for helping me miss y/n , " Jungkook Said Slightly bowed at Namjoon and walked toward the entrance. He doesn't want to live In this mansion. " Wait a minute Jungkook, " namjoon said. Jungkook stopped and cursed himself about this unknown situation.  " Yes " jk asked. " Why don't you have breakfast with us then go? " Namjoon said. " Thanks for offering me but I'm getting late, " Jungkook Said. "Both brother and sister look crazy to me, " Jungkook said to himself.  " oppa Jungkook needs help, why don't I take him for a job " y/n Said with a smirk knowing his brother will insist him to complete her demand. 

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