ɖɛʋɨʟ ʟօʋɛ - 6

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( author pov - I change the title name in devil love. Don't be confused)

Jungkook glanced at Carlo but went back to his phone, ignoring his existence. Carlo got angry and clenched his fist. "Mr. Jeon, I want to talk about business things ," Carlo said. Only when Carlo mentioned business, Jungkook looked at him and signalled his guards to let Carlo approach. When Carlo tried to shake his hand, Jungkook ignored it.

His angry eyes are already piercing Jungkook's head. " What business talk Mr? " Jungkook asked. " First of all I'm Lee carlo, the Lee corporation of ceo, I'm here to offer you for collaboration " carlo said. While Jungkook pokes his cheeks and looks at him up and down. " Fine, come to my office tomorrow then, " Jungkook said as Carlo nodded his head. " btw this party is organised by me so I would like it if you meet my soon to be wife " carlo said and signalled his guard to take y/n here. While Jungkook looked frustrated. " Look Mr Lee, I'm not interested to meet your wife , don't waste my time " before he said something, a sweet voice echoing in his heart which made his heart beat rise. " oh she is here " carlo said while the guard let her come. She was a little bit tipsy and stumbling on her way. While Jungkook couldn't look at her.

She came and stood beside Carlo and was still looking down.

" here meet my soon to be wife William y/n and y/n meet Mr jeon " finally both of them look at each other at the exact same time. While her breath stuck seeing the man which she waited to see and on the other hand his face looked calmed but his heart felt someone scratch his wound again. He stared at her face while tears filled her eyes upon seeing him again. "Jungkook," Y/N whispered, and only he heard her. "Nice to meet you, Miss Y/N," Jungkook said before walking away. "Jungkook, please wait," Y/N said.Suddenly, someone grabbed her arms tightly. She looked at the man who was holding her. "Your future husband is here, and you're trying to flirt with another man?" Carlo asked, squeezing her arms. Y/N pushed him away and gave him an angry look.

"Know your limits, Mr. Carlo, or I don't mind cutting your hand which held me,," Y/N warned. She turned around but couldn't find Jungkook, he had disappeared.

Her eyes tried to search for him but couldn't. " I'm imagining him, if he was Jungkook he would never ignore me, maybe I drink too much " y/n said to herself while holding her dress tightly and walking toward the bar section again. He clenched his teeth in anger. Carlo noticed her behaviour and got angry, he didn't like it when she got close to another man. "You're mine, Y/N. I won't let you go easily." He told his associate to find out more about Jungkook and their relationship.

Y/N kept drinking to numb her pain. " mam that's enough " Her bodyguard tried to stop her, but she pushed him away and stumbled towards a room, limping on her way. Her vision became blurry, and her head spun. She felt the urge to vomit, so she entered an unfamiliar room and rushed to the bathroom. After vomiting, she returned to find that the lights in the room were off.

"My head hurts a lot," Y/N groaned while trying to find her way out in the pitch-black room. She couldn't see anything until she felt someone's breath on her neck, which sent shivers down her spine. "Who's there?" she asked, clutching her gun tightly for protection.

Suddenly, a firm hand pinned her against a wall, causing her to drop the gun. "Who are you, leave me?" Y/n said. The person smelled her and nuzzled his face in her neck. "You've become more attractive over the years" a voice whispered in the dark. While y/n already got to know who the person is,because of his attractive voice which belonged to Jungkook. "Is that you, Jungkook?" she asked to confirm herself.

" Yes sweetie, it's me, your devil, " Jungkook Said biting her neck. She felt the urge to push him away, but the emotions that had built up over three years prevented her from doing so.

ᴅᴇᴠɪʟ ꜱɪɴꜰᴜʟ ᴅᴇꜱɪʀᴇ  ( Completed ) Where stories live. Discover now