ɖɛʋɨʟ ʟօʋɛ - 7

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A bride was getting ready while others were helping her with makeup. After finishing, everyone gasped at the beauty of her. "You look so beautiful," one girl said. Y/n looked at her reflection in the mirror. Her face was radiant, and she was wearing a light pink gown, the one she had chosen. "Can you all leave me alone?" Y/n said. Everyone nodded their heads and left her alone in the room. Her eyes shimmered as lonely tears welled up and left her precious eyes. "Why does everything I want always seem to slip away from me?" Y/n said, but she bit her lip, trying to suppress her emotions."

Her heart was still searching for her man in the midst of chaos. She longed to have her saviour back, even if it meant compromising her self-respect. Suddenly, there was a knock at the door, and her eyes snapped towards it. She welcomed the person to come in, and the door opened, revealing her brother, Namjoon.

"You look absolutely gorgeous, my sweetie," Namjoon said, giving her a peck on the forehead. "If Dad and Mom were here, they would be so happy to see their daughter in a bride's dress." "Yes," Y/n whispered , controlling her expression. Her heart ached at the thought of becoming someone else's wife who wasn't Jungkook. She wasn't sure if Jungkook had ever loved her, but her heart still raced at the mention of his name.

"Let's go; everyone is waiting for us," Namjoon said. Y/n nodded her head, and her brother extended his hand, wrapping it around hers as he led her towards the aisle. With each step, people showered rose petals on her. Her gaze was fixed on Carlo, who stood there with a sinister smile. He licked his lips, captivated by the sight of the stunning y/n. His sole ambition was to marry her, and now, he would finally be able to use her just as he desired.

( Dress  pic )

( Dress  pic )

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Carlo extended his hand for help and Y/n  took his hand for help and stood in front of him. She refused to look down, her eyes locked on the carlo. As the priest began the vows, her hands started trembling, and her heart raced with each passing moment.

Lee Carlo , do you take William y/n  for your lawful wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part? Priest said.  " Yes I do, " Carlo said.  

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