ɖɛʋɨʟ ʟօʋɛ - 8

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Jungkook entered his room only to find Y/N sitting on the edge of the bed, lost in thought. The room was cloaked in darkness, with only the moonlight streaming through the window. When he heard the sound of the door locking, Y/N's eyes snapped to him, and she quickly stood up, approaching him.

"What have you done with my brother?" she asked, her voice filled with concern. He bent down to her eye level and  twirled her hair with his finger. "For now, nothing, but don't worry. The time will come," Jungkook replied creepily. "Why are you doing this, Jungkook? What happened to you I thought you were?" she began, but Jungkook cut her off.

"Dead, right?" he asked, gritting his teeth in anger. He took a step closer to her, and she instinctively backed away, intimidated by his hungry gaze.He gripped her hair tightly in his fist. "Don't make me ruin you," he warned, making her gulp nervously. "I just want to know where you've been all these years and what has happened to you," she pleaded, wincing in pain from his grip. "Ask your brother," Jungkook replied cryptically. "What do you mean?" she asked, still puzzled.

"Don't raise your voice at me, Jeon Y/N," he said, gritting his teeth in anger and jerking her body. She landed on the floor and looked at him with teary eyes. "You've changed so much, you're not my Jungkook anymore," she said. Jungkook bent down on his knees while holding her chin tightly. "You don't know who I am. Get it inside your head, I was never yours," JK said. "And what about right now? Are you not my husband?" she asked. He chuckled. "Do I look like your husband? It's just to see your brother in pain or you, that's all I need," he said. "Why?" she questioned. "The pain you all give me, I will bring it back twice for all of you," Jungkook said, standing up and turning to go change.

 "Jeon Jungkook, I need a reason why you are doing this. Don't be puzzled," she screamed, which only raised Jungkook's anger further. Jungkook turned back and held her arms to make her stand. "What do you want to listen to? Can you handle it?" he asked.

" I will ,I just want answers about what happened  that day " she asked standing  up and looking at him.   " I thought you know but leave it, " Jungkook Said and went to his bathroom but she held his wrist tightly again.  " I want fucking answer " before she said more Jungkook held her jaw and pinned her body in the wall. His eyes stare at him and while he closes the gap between them. She gulped her throat and felt his crotch touching her core.Before she reacted he took her lips between his teeth and bit down on her lower lips.  Painful moans left from her mouth and the blood oozed. He wiped the blood from his finger and sucked it while maintaining eye contact with her.   " If you again provoke me  I will tear your dress and fuck   you hard so that you won't be able to feel your legs, do you want to feel it,  tell me? Jungkook asked, gripping her thigh tightly which can leave a mark. Her body still reacts with his touch and he knows better than anyone. That's the benefit for him. "I don't see the stubborn girl who was always ready to fight and kill people without hesitation. Where is the girl gone now?" 

"The girl had already died  when her love was taken away. She forgot she was once a strong mafia queen. Now, she's more fragile"He silently gazed at her without questioning her. "William's only daughter, so obsessed over me?" Jungkook asked.

"The man I can spend my whole life with without judgement, where I don't have to prove my worth every time," she said. 

He chuckled upon hearing her response. "Guess what, kitten? You'll beg for my love and yearn for my touch. But, Jungkook will never be yours; you're my wife in name only, not my lover," he declared as he nuzzled his face against her neck.

Tears welled up in her eyes, falling one by one onto his cheeks. He chuckled, sensing her heart rate increasing. "Who knows, Jungkook? One day, you might beg me on your knees to love you," she replied. His laughter stopped, and he looked at her. "You and I are different. Enjoy your time here at the Jeon mansion until your brother realises his mistakes," Jungkook said, giving her a quick kiss on the cheek before heading to the bathroom to change.

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