ɖɛʋɨʟ ʟօʋɛ - 15

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The doctor delivered the news, "He's been saved, but if he doesn't wake up within the next 24 hours, he might slip into a coma due to the impact on his brain." Y/N stood there, feeling numb as the doctor's words sank in. She experienced a mix of relief that her husband was safe and an overwhelming fear that he might not wake up. It is eating  her from the inside.

"Can I see him?" she asked the doctor. He nodded and left the room with the nurses. Y/N entered and found Jungkook lying there, unconscious, with a white bandage wrapped around his head, and his breathing slow. She approached him, sitting down by his side, taking a moment to study his face. Her heart ached at the sight of the man she loved lying so still.

Her hand gently touched the small wound on his head as she pleaded, "Wake up, please, wake up." Her voice trembled, and she fought to hold back her tears. "You promised you'd never leave me. Why does trouble always find you because of me? Am I cursed, Jungkook? I promise I'll never complain about anything again. Just please, wake up," she begged, tears silently streaming down her face. She cried in silence, willing him to wake up and be with her once more.

"I'm begging you, if you don't wake up, I won't let you touch me " she threatened, frustration welling up as Jungkook remained unconscious. She glanced down and cried. She felt a hand on her shoulder. Turning, she saw Namjoon, and without hesitation, she hugged him tightly, letting her tears flow. "It's going to be okay, baby. He'll wake up soon," Namjoon comforted her. Amidst her sobs, she pleaded, "Please, tell him I can't survive without him, please." Namjoon reassured her, "He'll listen, sweetie. Give him time to recover. Don't cry; if he wakes up and sees tears in your eyes, believe me, he'll be the first one to shoot me with his gun." Namjoon said.

She nodded, and suddenly, there was a knock at the door. She allowed the person to enter, and a guard appeared, bowing respectfully. "Ma'am, we've found the person who did this," the guard informed. Y/N's expression hardened, her eyes turning fierce.

"Where is this person?" she inquired, her face becoming dangerous, she shifted to that of a determined leader. The guard hesitated, intimidated by her gaze. "They're in the basement," he stammered. She turned to her brother, "Stay here. Keep an eye on Jungkook until I return," she commanded, her aura resembling that of a mafia queen. Namjoon swallowed hard, witnessing her transformation. He looked at Jungkook's unconscious body and muttered, " mother fuck You're  lucky to have her. I warned that if anyone harmed you, she'd turn the world upside down. I think whoever did this to you is about to face hell."

In the dimly lit basement, the unknown man's screams pierced the air. Y/N entered the room, finding the man tied to a chair, with a guard ruthlessly beating him until she ordered him to stop. "Stop," she commanded, and the guard obeyed, stepping back. She approached the man, a knife in hand, her face inches from his. She questioned him, "Why did you do this?" The man was unknown to her; he groaned in pain,  "Ma'am, I don't know what you're talking about." He stuttered while Y/N chuckled darkly, and the man groaned as she stabbed the knife into his thigh, slicing down to his knees. 

"Why did you do this?" she demanded once more. But the man shook his head, still refusing to speak. She repeated the brutal act on his other thigh. "It's Carlo. He paid me to end Jungkook's life," the man finally confessed, unable to bear the pain any longer.

Y/N pressed further, "What else did Carlo do?"

"Nothing else, ma'am. He just told me to do this, and he was present at the accident time too," the man revealed.

"Do you know what the consciousness you get is harming my husband?" she asked. The man shook his head in fear. "Death," she declared and swiftly sliced his throat, causing blood to splatter across her face. With a chilling resolve, she clenched the bloody knife and said, "Carlo, now it's your turn to face hell." Carlo crouched down to William Mark's level in the prison cell. William looked messy, with torn clothes, messy hair, and a dirty body.

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