ɖɛʋɨʟ ʟօʋɛ - 13

813 35 4

Diana took a sip of her drink and observed Jungkook, who was still in the corner, continuing to torture the man. On the other hand, the secretary was trembling with fear, knowing that he had already revealed Mrs  Jeon's abouts to Mr Jeon's location.  He feared the consequences if Jungkook found out.

Seeing  the moment with not many men around Jungkook, Diana decided to make a move. She prepared a drink and approached him. Jungkook's cold eyes glanced at the unfamiliar guest but quickly returned to his cigarette. Diana smirked as she took a seat on the same couch and offered him the drink. Jungkook's gaze locked onto her, and he inquired, "Why are you here, Mrs. Crystal?" Diana replied, "Just here to enjoy my night, Mr. Jeon. How about you?" However, he didn't seem inclined to engage in conversation with her, which frustrated her.

She attempted to insist, "Sir, have a drink." But before she could continue, Jungkook  glared at her  and said, "Mind your own business, Miss Crystal." He clearly didn't appreciate her presence right now, as she was disrupting his peace of mind.

Diana rolled her eyes and shifted her attention to the glass in front of her, which was already half-empty. An idea formed in her mind, and she decided to drop some pills into the glass while waiting for the right moment. When Jungkook momentarily looked away, she fastly  added the pills to the drink.

Unknowingly Jungkook's gaze was drawn to his alluring wife, who had entered wearing a revealing black dress. Although it wasn't excessively revealing, his jealousy kicked in, and he couldn't help but glare at her. His eyes scanned  on her, his jaw clenched in anger. As he looked around, he noticed several men in the club also staring at her with lustful eyes, which only fueled his irritation. Unconsciously, he took a sip of the juice that Diana had added to the pills. 

Diana noticed Jungkook's gaze shifting from her to Y/n and silently cursed to herself, realising it wasn't the right moment. She watched as Jungkook's attention was fixed on his wife, who had already changed her appearance to make it more difficult for Y/n to recognize her. Meanwhile, Y/n scanned the club in search of Jungkook but struggled to spot him in  the crowd.  Jungkook was about to get up, but Diana grabbed his wrist. He frowned, swiftly pulling his wrist away from her. " Jungkook sir I don't feel good "

Diana said  feeling unwell, acting like a dizzy person. Jungkook glanced at his secretary, who was also there. Deciding to prioritise her well-being, he told his secretary, "Take her to the hospital."

As the secretary assisted Diana, Jungkook turned his attention back to his wife, who appeared lost in her surroundings.

Y/n cursed under her breath as she faced the crowded club, realising how difficult it was to locate her husband. She couldn't believe she was in this situation. Suddenly, Jungkook appeared before her, his eyes filled with anger. "Why the hell did you come here, kitten?" Jungkook questioned, his hands in his pockets and tension in his veins. His gaze swept over her bare back and then returned to her face. He took a step closer, placing a hand on her waist. "Jungkook," she whispered, unsure of how to react.

"Why are you here, kitten? I'm asking one last time," Jungkook pressed.

"I came to find you," she replied.  "In this dress, and who told you I'm here?" Jungkook asked, his hand still caressing her back. She looked away briefly but then noticed something that made her frown. She turned her gaze back to Jungkook "Let me go! Why are you here in a strip club?" she demanded. Jungkook chuckled at her anger. "I came here to have the best night," he whispered mischievously.

"Why?" she demanded, her teeth clenched in anger. Jungkook, without hesitation, bit her lips seductively. She groaned and attempted to push him away, but he held her firmly, his desire burning intensely. His hands explored her curves and settled on her hips.

ᴅᴇᴠɪʟ ꜱɪɴꜰᴜʟ ᴅᴇꜱɪʀᴇ  ( Completed ) Where stories live. Discover now