ɖɛʋɨʟ ʟօʋɛ -9

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Y/n entered the room, slamming the door loudly behind her.

"How can he stay silent when they disrespect me?" she vented, and Luci, her cat, jumped from her arms and climbed onto the bed.

Suddenly, her eyes darted toward the door where Jungkook had entered, his teeth clenched. He wasted no time and hovered over her. She struggled to break free from his grip, her hand pinned to the bed, and his legs trapping her waist. "When I say something, why don't you obey?" Jungkook shouted at her face, while she glared at him. "Instead of this, why didn't you confront the person who was eyeing me? Do you enjoy it when someone makes inappropriate comments about me?" she asked, looking away. He then forced her to meet his gaze again.

"Drop your attitude, Y/N, or I won't hesitate to silence you with a kiss," Jungkook said, gripping her jaw tightly. Her pouting lips only seemed more adorable to him. "Bastard," she said. He chuckled, "Do you want to see what happens when someone disrespects my belongings?" he asked, placing a hand on her shoulder.  She looked confused as Jungkook stood up, grabbed her wrist, and led her along.

They stopped at a door to the basement, where loud, scary noises were coming from. He looked back at her, noticing her puzzled face. She was also looking at him, wanting to know what was going on. "Go inside," he instructed. Her steps hesitated, and she swallowed hard. It wasn't fear but a desire for explanations. She took a moment, opened the door, and immediately shut her eyes. It was a horrifying moment in her life, something she had never experienced with anyone, even as his guards did unspeakable things to them.  They are naked standing only in boxers  and their both hands tied on the headboard with a fence wire and their body skin was peeling off one by one with a knife. Their bodies were covered with their own bl00d. Jungkook smirked and went toward them standing in front to face them.

Jungkook's voice remained cold and threatening as he inquired again, "How do you feel about compliments on your body with my knife?" The dealer whimpered and pleaded, "Please release me; I won't say anything." 

"Why don't you appreciate my compliments? I thought I'd return the favour when you were eyeing my wife," Jungkook said in anger.  Suddenly, a chilling silence filled the room as a large piece of skin peeled off from the dealer, causing him to cry out in pain.   "My pretty wife has come here," Jungkook Said, gesturing to her to come. she obeyed his command, her eyes wide with a mixture of fear and confusion.

"Come here, Jeon Y/n," he threatened, and after witnessing his deadly glare, she walked towards him. He held her by the waist, back-hugging her. 

"Do you like kittens?" he asked in a strangely calm voice, nuzzling his face against her neck.  Her hands trembled for the first time in her life, she felt troubled by the sight of the bloody person before her. She had been part of the mafia before and had killed many people, but she had never dared to do the things Jungkook was doing now. The soft boy she once knew seemed long gone, replaced by a beast. This is hell and Jungkook himself became the devil. She whimpered when Jungkook squeezed her waist, waiting for her to reply, trapped in this terrifying reality.

"Jungkook, I don't want to see this. Please, let me go," she pleaded, but he didn't release his grip. "Why, kitten? You told me I didn't do anything when they were disrespecting you. I don't believe in words, kittens, I show my loyalty through actions," Jungkook replied. "This is too much," she protested.

"Too much? Do you know how I feel when they are looking at your body? I want to take their eyes out," he declared, and his guard poked the knife in their eyes., causing them to scream in pain. Y/n was stunned by the brutality. "Do you know how I feel when they shamelessly talk about your body, which I consider mine? I want to cut their tongues out," he added, and again, his guard carried out the horrifying act by cutting their tongue out and throwing it in front of y/n feet.

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