ɖɛʋɨʟ ʟօʋɛ - 12

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She ran outside, leaving Namjoon alone in the room, burdened with guilt. She wiped her tears away, her breath growing heavy as she realised that everything had happened because of her. It wasn't her fault, but she couldn't help but feel that she was still somehow connected to his suffering. Her feet carried her to the entrance, and without saying a word of apology, she stepped outside with a heavy heart.

"What happened to the ma'am?" the employee said to himself, knowing she is the wife of his boss. He shrugged it off and went toward Mr. Jeon's cabin before knocking on the door. He heard a small "come in" and opened the door to find Mr. Jeon was engrossed in his work. "Sir, I've completed my work," he said. The employee hesitated before continuing, "Sir, I saw Mrs. Jeon running outside." Jungkook's eyes snapped at him, and he replied, "You can go."

He then stood up from his chair and went toward the meeting hall where he had sent her earlier. Upon opening the door, he found Namjoon wiping his tears. Namjoon also met his gaze.

"Where is Y/N?" Jungkook asked, glaring at him. Namjoon sighed and walked toward him. "She hates me because of you," Namjoon said, gritting his teeth in anger. Jungkook smirked, "Why are you telling me?" he asked, being an innocent man.

"Because you are the reason she's blinded by your love. I know you're taking advantage of her love, Jeon, and it's going to be worse if you hurt her," Namjoon explained.

"What's my fault when you and your sister played with my life?" Jungkook retorted, folding his arms across his chest and glaring at Namjoon. "It's not her fault. That day, I lied to you," Namjoon admitted. "What do you mean?" Jungkook asked, seeking clarification.

Namjoon gripped his palms tightly and continued, "If you want revenge, take revenge on me. Don't involve Y/N. I lied to you that day. Y/N was just used; she never betrayed you. She loves you with her whole heart. I don't want to hide it anymore. When she learns about your misery, you should also know about her suffering."

"Don't beat around the bush, get to the point," Jungkook demanded."That day, when your dad arranged the accident, your guard informed you about the situation. Listening to this, Y/N's old memories started flooding back, and she had a panic attack. For two days, she lay unconscious in bed. We tried numerous times to wake her up. She didn't even realise that her father was behind your supposed death. We consulted with doctors who diagnosed it as a panic attack, exacerbated by her asthma issues. Sometimes, she struggles to breathe properly," Namjoon explained, his gaze fixed on the ground.

Jungkook clenched his fist and swallowed hard before asking, "Why is she experiencing nightmares?" Namjoon looked at him and continued, "Because when she was a kid, someone kidnapped her due to being the sole heiress of the William family. The kidnapper took her and locked her in a dark room with no light. When Dad found her, she was lying on the cold floor, her lips were dry, and she had some cuts on her face. When Dad approached, she had a panic attack, fearing the kidnapper would return to torture her again."

"Dad tried many things to help her forget, but she couldn't. Over time, he decided to train her so that this would never happen again. We underwent training together, and Y/N transformed into a strong and determined person. She learned to get whatever she wanted, whether through threats or by taking it forcefully."

Namjoon paused, then continued, "When Dad discovered her love for you, he had already arranged her marriage with Lee Carlo. He wanted to ensure she had a beautiful life, not one filled with struggle. That's why he did everything for Y/N behind her back." Jungkook sighed in frustration. He had never known about the hardships she had endured, and he found himself torn between his growing feelings for her and a sense of pity. His thoughts were  confusion and unanswered questions.

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