ɖɛʋɨʟ ʟօʋɛ - 11

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Brother, where are you?" Y/N asked during a phone call. He responded to her question. "Okay, I'm coming to meet you at Jungkook's office," she said and hung up the call. She could have met her brother at William's house, but Jungkook's guards reported everything related to her to Jungkook. This was why he was still angry with William, and she wanted to know the reason. Meeting her brother in Jungkook's office seemed to be the best way. She took her purse and went outside with her guards to meet Jungkook.

( jk office ) 

"Make sure you complete this file soon, or I will fire you. I don't want lazy employees in my Jeon office," he said, throwing the file on the desk, which Crystal picked up. She clenched her fist in anger. She wanted to get close to him, but he wasn't allowing it. She flinched when the door opened abruptly. "What the..." Jungkook said in anger when someone barged into the room without permission.

"I'm so sorry, sir, but your wife is here and wants to meet you," he said, looking down. "I will see her, but dare to come in without permission again, and you'll see your last day. Get out," Jungkook said, standing up from his couch and fixing his coat. He left the room, leaving Crystal alone. "Shit ! What if Y/N recognizes me? I have to go," she said, taking her file and hurrying out to hide herself.

"How much longer do I have to wait?" Y/N asked, sounding annoyed. "Sorry, Mam, but Mr. Jungkook strictly ordered us not to let anyone enter his office until he gives permission. Even Mr. Jeon's best friend had to wait for permission," the receptionist explained. Before she could say anything else, the sound of approaching footsteps drew their attention. Y/N looked ahead to see Jungkook standing there with a cold expression, gazing at her. "Wait for me in the cabin," he said, and Y/N nodded, then entered his office. Jungkook glanced at the receptionist before heading in after her.

  " Aria, make sure that from next time you send Mrs Jeon to my office, she doesn't need any permission ? He said she nodded her head.   He turned back to his cabin to see y/n gazing at the large window seeing the beautiful city views. His eyes scanned her from head to toe. He came toward her with a slow step "is there any reason to come here kitten? " he said, pinned her from behind and whispered in her ear. Unconscious moaning left from her mouth which she suppressed but he heard it and smirked. Make her body turn to face her and not leave a space between them. " Are you up to something kitten? '' he said. 

She looked into his eyes, which were filled with desire that he wanted to fulfil with her. "I just came to see you," she whispered, sensing the intense atmosphere. "Naked or with clothes?" he asked, making her blush and look away. "You're such a pervert," she said. "Really glad to know," he replied, his breath tickling her neck as he pressed his body closer to hers. She gripped his shoulder tightly.

"Do you realise you've made a mistake coming here? My desire is rising, and I want to do so many things with you right now. Do you want to know?" he inquired.  "Jungkook left  me," she said, struggling on his grip.   "Why, kitten? You know I want to tear your clothes off, lay you on the table with your back facing me. My hands would caress your sweet ass, spanking you until you beg me to stop. I want you   you here in the window making you scream so loudly that the whole city knows I can make you feel incredible," he whispered, biting her neck.  Before he could say more, he answered a call. Rolling his eyes, he straightened himself and walked to the table to pick up the phone, leaving Y/n to catch her breath.

He continued talking while maintaining eye contact with her. "Send them here," he instructed on the call, still keeping his gaze on her. "Seems like my kitten can't forget my touch," he taunted, and she glared at him.

"I want you to seal your mouth. This is too much," she retorted. "Seal it with your lips, kitten," he teased, making her stomp her feet in frustration. "If you want to spend time here  you can. Otherwise, you can wander around my office," he said, flipping through files and adjusting his glasses. 

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