ɖɛʋɨʟ ʟօʋɛ - 10

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Jungkook, my book," Y/N said, intending to push him, but he held her tightly. He nuzzled his face against her neck and gave her a gentle kiss. She whimpered at his touch, overwhelmed by desire.

"You did wrong to disobey my kitten, now see what I'm gonna do with you," he growled, biting down on her neck and leaving his teeth marks. She let out a painful groan as he gripped her wrist and forcefully threw her onto the mattress. 

He picked up the open book from the floor, smirking as he noticed the book's title and the page she had been reading. With a careless toss, he sent the book flying aside and then proceeded to slowly unbutton his shirt one by one.  "Jungkook, what are you doing?" she protested, trying to back away, but he seized her ankles, ensuring she stayed right where he wanted her, with his half-naked look he hovered over her.

"I'm showing you that no book can make you feel like I can. Want to know what I'll do?" he asked, undoing his belt. She stared at his chest, then she felt her wrist being tied  with his belt.

"What? Let me go, Jungkook," she demanded, but he just chuckled. "Why would I? This is your punishment for disobeying me. Let me show you what I'm going to do," he said, unbuttoning his jeans and sliding his hand along her inner thigh. She couldn't resist his touch, even though she tried. It was the same touch she had longed for. "Kitten, open your eyes and look at me," he commanded, but she resisted.  "I said open your eyes, or the punishment will increase," he threatened, his voice turned raspy. Fearing his words, she reluctantly opened her eyes and gazed at him. "Good kitten. Do you know what I'm going to do?" he asked, and she shook her head in response. 

"I will spread your legs like a book, my fingers gently tracing down the pages, paying attention to every single scr3am which leaves from your lips. roaming my hand on your  curve," he described, spreading her legs wide.  Her breath hitched with anticipation and pleasure. "Do you like it, my little kitten?" he asked, his fingers caressing her thigh as she opened her eyes again, unable to resist his touch. "Jungkook, please stop," she pleaded, "Why, kitten?" he responded, planting a hickey on her thigh. She moaned as his lips pressed against her sensitive skin but tried to compose herself. "You... don't love me," she said, panting heavily. He chuckled at her words, "Is there any love between us, kittens?" he asked. 

"Then why are you doing this?" she questioned.  "To teach you some manners," he replied, causing her breath to hitch. She struggled to free herself from his grip but found herself hypnotised by him. Her body was under his control. She obediently followed his every command, like a puppet. She had never felt this weak in front of anyone, but he had the power to break her.

"I don't want to do this, let me go," she pleaded, but her words were met with a sharp spank on her thigh. He gripped her chin tightly, warning her, "Don't provoke me, y/n, or I will go harder." He kissed her passionately, his hands working to undo her shirt one button at a time. She took sharp breaths as he threw  her shirt, his hungry eyes feasting on her exposed body, unintentionally licking his lips in desire. He cursed under his breath, feeling a tightness in his pants. His eyes remained fixated on her, filled with longing, but he continued to restrain his desires. He unclasped her bra, leaving her half-naked, as his hungry gaze lingered on her chest, while she looked away, feeling exposed and vulnerable.

"Count, y/n. Each spank will remind you not to disobey my words," he commanded. She pleaded, "Please don't," but Jungkook silenced her with a shush. He questioned her sharply, "Am I making you uncomfortable, kitten?" as he inhaled her intoxicating scent. She shook her head, indicating no discomfort. He continued, "Then why are you denying my touch? We are husband and wife, there's nothing to be shy about. Keep quiet and accept the punishment I've given you." Just like that, he knew how to manipulate her with his sweet words, understanding her emotions and vulnerabilities all too well.

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