2023 update

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this book and story is quite old and I'm going to revise it and just make the chapters flow a lot better and add more to the story without completely stripping it's charm away, whatever that charm may be.

i am not rewriting this book though so if you've saved this book do not worry! I won't be changing major plot points, but instead making things transition a lot smoother :)

End of 2023 Update:
Yeah ima be honest I wrote this book so long ago that it's pretty much pointless to 'revise' it. I'd need to completely redo it for me to enjoy it. But I know a lot of people seem to like it based on how well it's done and has been doing so I'll keep it up. Just PLEASE know I'm fully aware that [y/n] in this story is...well...a fucking idiot.

Like I said I wrote this a long time ago and I was in that helpless romantic phase at the time. Please enjoy what you can out of this story <3 I make better ones now I promise xd

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