1: A Letter From Feng

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It was already early spring, yet the weather in Han was still as cold as winter, the air foggy and the ground filled with snow, but it was nothing new as the climate in Han was always mostly cold.

Nanny wang, hurried to the white swan palace, where prince Liang lived. Face filled with worry and laced with anxiousness, nanny Wang arrived at the White swan palace.

Inside, a luxuriously decorated room, a young man who looked about eighteen dressed in bright yellow robes, with gorgeous and thick long dark hair that fell past his waist, dark phoenix eyes that tilted upwards, framed by thick and dark eyelashes, red lips were as gorgeous as rose petals and pale white skin that glowed sat in front of a bronze mirror.

His looks though gorgeous, were not feminine, a younger boy with a baby face, fussed busily with his hair.

His looks clearly deserving of the title as the White pearl of Han.

"Your highness, has such gorgeous hair" Lu Xiao the baby faced boy praised.

"Lu Xiao, you should refer to the prince as his royal highness,you are being rude". Scolded another boy who seemed same age as the prince, he was slim, tall and blessed with exquisite features.

(Lu Xiao was referred to as being rude to the prince because he addressed the prince casually ).

"It's all right, Mu Qianfan, formalities should be left for the king's court". Han Liang replied.

Lu Xiao stuck his tounge out to Mu Qianfan hearing the prince side with him and continued styling Han Liang's hair.

Lu Xiao's personality could be considered naive and innocent, a rather unneeded character in a place like the royal palace which was filled with hidden snakes and ambitious wolves.

Having been surrounded, by treachery all his life, Lu Xiao's personality was like a breath of fresh air, so Han Liang did not mind keeping the younger boy around him.

A, knock on the door announced nanny Wang's presence and Han Liang gave his permission for her to enter.

"Greetings to his royal highness" she greeted with a respectful bow.

"Bad news?" Han Liang asked seeing the look on her face.

"There has being news form the frontier".
Han Liang's expression changed on hearing this. There, were only few people he really cared about and one of them had dedicated his life to the war between Han and Feng, always fighting at the frontier.

"How is sixth brother doing?" Han Liang's expression was calm but his pale face and the slight trembling of his voice betrayed his anxiety.

"General Han Yu is dead, his ashes was sent by a messenger from Feng and his majesty the king vomited blood and fainted in court after hearing the news".


With a sweep hands, ornaments arranged on the table meant to decorate his hair came crashing on the ground.

Lu Xiao and Mu Qianfan exchanged startled looks, they had never seen the ever calm Han Liang lose control over his emotions.
But they could understand, what Han had lost was a prince and a general, but Han Liang had lost one of the few people he could really consider family.

Suddenly faints sobs escaped from Han Liang, nanny Wang waved Lu Xiao and Mu Qianfan out, even though they were Han Liang's trusted personal attendants, she did not want them to see him have an emotional break down.

Casting worried glances at Han Liang, they excused themselves, while nanny Wang rushed to comfort the prince.

Minutes later calmness returned to the chambers, Han Liang's expression was calm again as if nothing had happened, but his eyes were still red.

"Sixth brother is dead" Han Liang spoke as if affirming the fact to himself.

Nanny Wang did not know how to reply to this painful words, that were clearly not a question, so she remained silent.

"How is father's condition?"

"I don't know eunuch Zhou has blocked all news concerning his majesty's health" nanny Wang replied.

"I want to see my father". Han Liang said, nanny Wang nodded and proceeded to freshen up his appearance.

"Impudence, a mere servant stopping me from seeing my husband" .

The shrill voice of Royal noble consort Jiang was the first thing Han Liang heard in reaching the king's palace.

"Greetings to his royal highness the eight prince" eunuch Zhou greeted.

"Eunuch Zhou" Han Liang nodded in acknowledgement to the older man's greetings.

Even though Han Liang was not in the mood to greet royal noble consort jiang, filial duties still had to be paid.

"Mother" he greeted with a bow.

"How have you been Liang'er".

She replied to his greetings with a smile as though she really was a kind mother.

"Eunuch Zhou, can I see my father?"

"Certainly, his royal highness can see the king." Eunuch Zhou replied.

Royal noble consort Jiang's face scrunched up angrily at this.

" Why is Liang'er allowed to see the king but I am not?". She questioned voice soft, yet dripping with suppressed anger.

"It was the order of his royal majesty that nobody except his highness, prince Han Liang was allowed entrance to his chambers".

Eunuch Zhou replied calmly, still requesting entrance would make it seem as though she was bluntly challenging the king's words.

With her face blushing from anger Royal noble consort Jiang snorted in anger and left with a dramatic fling of her sleeve.

Ignoring royal noble consort Jiang's dramatic exit, eunuch Zhou led Han Liang to the king's chambers and left with a respectful bow.

King Han Fang was a man in his sixties,slim and tall with ordinary facial features, Han Liang looked nothing like him except sharing the same sharp phoenix eyes.

Han Liang, never knew his father had become this old, not dressed in his royal robes and not surrounded by his majestic aura, his face seemed filled with more wrinkles and his hair had turned gray In many places, Han Liang subconsciously lightened his steps as he neared the bed.

A light cough form him, prompted Han Liang to immediately fetch a cup of water and handed it over to him, collecting the now empty cup, Han Liang placed it on the bedside table.

"En Liang'er is here?" He asked with a gentle smile.

"What did the royal physician say was wrong with your health, father?".

"It's nothing just a little stress and tiredness, this old man is still healthy enough to live for a hundred more years"He replied with a boisterous laughter .

Han Liang frowned clearly disapproving of his reply, but wisely deciding not to say more seeing the king insist that he was healthy.

"I am more worried about Han's current situation with the sixth prince dead Han has fallen into a more dangerous situation".

Han Liang sighed, with the topic now retuning to Han's unoptimistic situation, he too felt clearly weary.

"Feng's current emperor is even more ambitious than his late father it won't take much time to crush our resistance and plunder our country now that sixth brother is dead".

Han Liang's eyes were filled with hate at the thought of Feng's emperor.

"We also received a letter from Feng along with the news if your brother's death".

Han Fang said with complicated emotions in his eyes.

"A letter, what does it say?".

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