5: Finding The Mastermind

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So I decided to read my story and I actually found out that I have been using royal highness and imperial highness interchangibly, so I decided to address that.

This world is divided into kingdoms and empires, so I will be using imperial to refere to royals from empires, while I will be using royal to refer to those from kingdoms.

I will correct it in my previous chapter when I have time.

Staring at the dead body on the floor Han Liang's frown thickened, this just served to complicate things more.

"I don't understand how he looks so much like Mu Qianfan" Lu Xiao stared puzzled, seeing someone who had Mu Qianfan's face laying dead on the floor gave him the creeps and was discomforting.

The sight of the dead body on the floor made Lu Xiao feel like vomiting, it was his first time seeing a person being killed in front of him.

Han Liang looked barely fazed, after all he had once been to the front lines along with other physicians when a strange disease broke out among the soldiers, he had seen more gruesome sights than this, though it was his first time taking a life, he found himself rather calm and feeling barely guilty or scared.

This strange calmness to taking a human life as though it meant nothing scared Han Liang a bit, but he wasn't going to let it show on his face.

"He doesn't look like Mu Qianfan, he is wearing a human skin mask that was molded to resemble Qianfan's face" Han Liang said.

Han Liang squatted in the front of the now dead assassin, he lifted his hand to his face and carefully pulled of the mask, what was revealed before him was an ordinary face that could quickly disappear into a crowd with no one noticing, the entire face had turned purple, the poison was really fast.

The sound of hurried footsteps sounded in the passage way, soon enough a haggard looking marquis Dong followed by Su Guo and a couple more guards appeared in view.

Seeing, that Han Liang was still alive, marquis Dong,breathed an obvious sign of relief.

"Your royal highness, where is Mu Qianfan" Ling Zhan could not help but ask, seeing that only Lu Xiao and a dead stranger where with the prince.

"I don't know where Mu Qianfan is, the one who was by my side was an assassin in disguise, he is the one laying dead on the floor now".

Su Guo and Ling Zhan paled at this, they had been the one's guarding Han Liang's room, yet they had not noticed anything suspicious of Mu Qianfan, if the prince had not been so cautious, he would have been dead by now.

Han Liang's gaze was diverted to a rather pale faced guard who was clutching his wrist.

"That guard was injured, but why hide the wound after all that had just fought, unless he was scared that someone would be suspicious of him, seems like the palace guard where in on this too".

None of Han Liang's thoughts showed on his face, his gaze only lingering on the guard not more than a few seconds.

"The assassin's are they all dead?" Han Liang asked turning his gaze marquis Dong.

Dong Fu's face was twisted violently from suppressed anger.

(Dong Fu is marquis Dong's full name).

"The few we managed to catch caught us off guard by biting the poison capsules in their mouth" Dong Fu said sounding fustrated.

"Your royal highness, you are bleeding out I will have the physician dress your wound" it was only when eunuch Li said this that Han Liang started to feel the pain on his shoulder and a little dizzy from the blood loss.

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