17: Storage Room D And The Thief

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Ministry Of Works

He shifted slightly in his seat, the soft cushion of the seat feeling like pins, the plastered smile on his face beginning to hurt, the others were no less uncomfortable than him, eyes trained on the young man behind the desk, whose head was bowed and was flipping through documents.

Han Liang glanced at the three men noticing their nervous state, he smiled, good they ought to be. "I called you all here to talk about the Pang village crisis".

"Your imperial majesty the damage at Pang village is not our fault". A thin man with a mustache rushed to inform, and Han Liang frowned. "And when did I say it was anyone's fault, Jia Lin, is your guilty conscience acting up, so you're rushing to clarify, but don't worry we will be discussing faults soon".

"Why has lord Pang's letters not been submitted to me since?" Han Liang turned to Secretary Fu who shifted uneasily in his seat. "Things in the ministry are tight, with so many documents to review it's quite easy for me to miss some". He explained.

"You miss some? Now you aren't even bothering to give tangible excuses since you aren't able to do your job properly anymore then a replacement is surely in order".

"Your imperial majesty". Secretary Fu's expression was one of horror, the other men also wore pale looks, would they be fired too, Han Liang had gained a reputation after firing so many higher staff in one day.

"You were in charge of the dam construction project in Pang, so tell me Jia Lin why did the dam only last for six months?" Han Liang asked sharply.

"The water volume increased drastically, and technical problems also occurred". "Water volume? Technical problem? Your excuse is pathetic, hundreds of lives were lost, properties damaged, environment destroyed, mind you I did my investigations and the reason for the dam break had been weak construction".

Jia Lin wiped a sweat from his brow, pasting a smile that looked more uglier than a frown, he replied. "Resources were tight, our budget was reduced, so we had to cut corners where we could". He tugged at his cap slightly.

"This". Han Liang flung a document at him. "Is the total calculation of all costs and works that you made for the dam project, it was approved by the emperor and your grant was provided by the imperial treasury, so tell me why you had to cut corners?". Jia Lin fidgeted darting a glance fir secretary Fu to help but the man remained silent, he cursed inwardly "foolish coward, he wanted to save only his skin, I will drag you down with me".

He glared at the paper with his handwriting and the emperor's seal of approval and then back to Han Liang who was waiting for his explanation. "Forgive me Your Imperial Majesty, but Secretary Fu never informed me that the full budget was granted, all the transactions with the imperial palace are carried out through him".

"You lying greedy bastard, after stuffing yourself full with project money, you dare to accuse me". Secretary Fu thundered, face red from rage, as Jia Lin leaned back to avoid spittle flying on his face, the third man remained silent, content with the fact that the fire hadn't turned in him.

"Enough, both of you, have you know shame, fighting in from of his imperial majesty". Xue Mingyue admonished the two men who were about ready to come to blows at any second, they became quiet face blushing in anger from being reprimanded by a servant.

Done watching the former friends tear at each other, Han Liang sat straighter. "A disgrace, that's what the both of you are, fighting like little children, these are the backbones of the ministry, I am highly disappointed, I don't care whose fault it was, the fact remains that, lives were lost, countless of people rendered homeless and starving, the reputation of our ministry is in tatters, a dam falling in under six months, people have lost faith in the government, they have lost trust in the emperor, or is this your plan a ploy to defame the emperor".

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