18: Sun Crown Ceremony And An Assassination Attempt

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She stood stiff, head bent low and she stared at the floor, if she had a choice she would rather not be here, from the side of her eye she watched the maid who had come to serve tea exit and wished she could follow after her.

"What message did you come bearing?". Han Liang asked as Lu Xiao poured tea into his cup.

She sighed in relief, glad by the fact she was about to deliver her message and leave.

"High imperial princess Feng Da Xia would be pleased if you could attend the Sun Crown blooming ceremony with her". She said, eyes moving up to lock gazes with Han Liang, his black eyes bored into hers and she quickly looked back down realizing her transgressions.

Han Liang took a sip from his tea, the sweet taste of the fruit tea filling his mouth. Inwardly he frowned as he watched the young maid, no older than fifteen, he could see her nervousness even as she tried to cover it up desperately, he didn't want to be anywhere near Feng Da Xia, but he had no real excuse to not go.

Just then Xue Mingyue entered the room, he walked towards Han Liang and whispered in his ear. "Feng Yibo is here to see you". Han Liang's eyes lit up, an excuse had never arrived at a much better time. "Let him in". He informed Xue Mingyue who bowed and left

"I apologize, but I won't be able to attend the viewing with Aunt Da Xia, my dear nephew needs my attention and I can't ignore him". He smiled as he traced the delicate flower patterns on his porcelain cup.

She pursed her lips, hesitant at the answer knowing it wasn't one that her mistress would want, but what right did she have to argue with a royal? She nodded and left.


Han Liang traced Feng Yibo's looks with his eyes, he could see a few shared features between the boy and Feng Haoxuan. Feng Yibo struggled to wear a cold expression on his face, but his face was too young, it only served to make him look cute, posture straight and head held high like he had been taught by his teacher.

"Imperial uncle said I could come to you if I wanted archery lessons". He spoke, his voice soft and unsure.

Han Liang nodded, he too had not forgotten Feng Haoxuan's bizarre suggestion. "I know you know nothing about archery, you at just deceiving Imperial uncle". He snorted in haughtiness.

Han Liang rolled his eyes, why had he taught  Feng Yibo was cute before, it was glaring that he was just as rude as every other Feng, no surprise though, he was Feng Haoxuan's nephew after all.

"My level of archery will be shown to you when we go to the training fields". Han Liang said, he felt irritated lately and he could use this as an opportunity to let out some steam. Feng Yibo frowned, he did not believe that Han Liang knew anything about weapons, ger's were raised no different than women.

"You are only going to embarrass yourself". He frowned. "I am the one who is being embarrassed, not you, so what reason do you have to be bothered?". Han Liang laughed. Feng Yibo thought about it and nodded.


"Unscrew your brows mistress, the emperor isn't avoiding you, he is just busy with work". The maid said.

Yue Lani snorted. "Nuo when did I ever say that the emperor was avoiding me, look how pretty I am, even the empress can't compare". She smiled at her reflection in the mirror.

Nuo nodded, as long as her mistress didn't turn her anger on her she could believe anything she wanted. "Yes, of course, even the goddess of beauty will be jealous of your looks". She slipped a pin into her hair.

"Careful". Yue Lani hissed as the pin stabbed her scalp. "I am sorry". Nuo apologized. Yue Lani frowned, the hairdo was heavy and painful, filled with so many pins that she had lost count at this point, but it was beautiful and she was ready to bear the pain.

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