16: Dinner With The Imperial Family

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"You won't be applying that thing to my face". Han Liang eyed the rouge container with sheer disgust, arms crossed over his chest.

"Just a little bit of rouge won't hurt, you will look beautiful with it". Lu Xioa smiled grip tight on the brush.

"No, I am not going to look like a painted clown to satisfy your whims, for god's sake I am no fan of makeup and most certainly not one done by some half-baked artisan". Han Liang deadpanned. "I am not half-baked, just indulge my fantasies once". Lu Xiao pouted.

"I already indulge you, and that's the reason I am wearing this silly hairstyle". "It's not silly". Lu Xioa was once filled with indignation.

Mu Qianfan laughed from where he stood close to the table. "So this is funny to you, how about I have Lu Xiao apply makeup for you, you would make an impressive practice dummy". A hint of mischief sparkled in Han Liang's eyes, it was an all too familiar look and Mu Qianfan was not going to be embroiled in his plots. Lu Xiao's eyes at once were glittering like stars as he stared at Mu Qianfan like a priced possession, Mu Qianfan's skin broke into goosebumps, a small shudder raking through his body.

Raising his hands in surrender. "I am not interested in whatever this is, but to be fair the hairstyle does look nice". Grabbing an apple from the fruit tray, Mu Qianfan studied the white lilies in the vase as though they were the most interesting thing in the world.

"Ummm, Your Imperial Majesty it's almost time for the dinner, we should leave now". Xue Mingyue spoke tentatively, eyes darting between the other three, flashing her a smile as though she was a lifesaver, Han Liang stood up. "I certainly can't be late for dinner, so see you all later". "And Lu Xiao you can practice your skills on Mu Qianfan as much as you like".

"Your imperial majesty, you wouldn't". Mu Qianfan looked horrified, face a matching color with the white walls. "Stop looking at me like that it's plain creepy". Mu Qianfan snapped at Lu Xiao. Xue Mingyue's smile was hidden behind her sleeve.

Han Liang turned away with a smile, daring to laugh at his misfortune, if he was going to have a bad time, he was pleased to know someone was having as much misfortune as him, even if it was poor Mu Qianfan, dinner with Feng Haoxuan's family equal pure disaster.


The heavy double doors were pushed open to reveal an elegant mix of gold and red. Golden throne-shaped chairs surrounded a table covered with red tablecloths, porcelain dining wares, and chopsticks arranged neatly. The heavy red and gold curtains pushed open, to give a clear view of the starry night sky, red candles were lit, a golden chandelier hung above the dining table, a fireplace mounted on the left wall was lit, warming the room, and white fur rug as soft as the snow was laid above the honey brown tiled floor.

Feng Haoxuan was already sitting at the head of the table, dressed in a black and gold robe, he swirled a cup of wine in his left hand, he seemed bored with the conversation with the man sitting at his left, eyes brightening and lips curving in a smile when he noticed Han Liang standing by the door, bringing the attention of the man to him, the empress dowager was already seated, Han Liang caught a few familiar faces, Feng Weiting, who offers him a smirk, Murong Yan smiled at him, which he couldn't help but return, dressed in a lilac colored gown she looked gorgeous as ever, the young man sitting at her right was probably her son, they had the same warm brown eyes and curved noses, a younger woman sitting beside him, his wife perhaps.

Sitting at the empty spot on Feng Haoxuan's right side. "You are late". Feng Haoxuan whispered in his ear, glancing at the couple of empty seats, Han Liang raised a brow. "Well I apologize, this one lost track of time".

Feng Haoxuan smiled leaning closer, peach blossom eyes swirling something brewing in their dark depths. "Is it that you came late dressing up to please this emperor, a fine meal I wouldn't mind devouring". Han Liang's cheeks were colored a blazing red, half from anger and half from the embarrassment of being heard, he hated that his first reaction had been to blush, staring at Feng Haoxuan's eyes, Han Liang noticed how different they were from other people, the black in his eyes were bigger almost devouring the white, seeming more inhuman like the eyes of a doll, creepy and dark, as opposed to his smile Feng Haoxuan's eyes were empty of any emotions, Han Liang found his eyes breaking away first, such strange eyes, Feng Haoxuan seemed to know the reason of his reaction, but he remained silent, the man seating opposite Han Liang must have misconstrued their conversation for he offered Han Liang a perverted smile and Han Liang found it harder to not just spill a cup of wine on his face.

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