19: Poisoned

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"Gods! The security has become tighter these days". She whispered to her companion as she removed the dried clothes from the line, eyes trained on the stoic guards not located far away.

"Of course it is, the emperor's husband was poisoned, and they are trying to find who did it". Her companion whispered.

"What! I thought he was just sick." She gasped.

"Keep your voice down". The other eyed the guards warily.

"Has there been any news on his imperial majesty's health?".

They both jumped, startled by the uninvited guest, but relaxed when they saw it was just a fellow maid interested in palace gossip like them.

"No there has been none, the physicians have been secretive, but I heard he may be dead". Servant two said.

"Enough, shut it already, you will lose your head if the guards overhear you gossiping about the royal family's matter". Servant one hushed as she picked up her basket and left, servant two trailing behind her.

Tang Chan Juan watched as they walked away, her eyes darted nervously, fingers twisting together. Still no news. The anxiety was killing her, the whole palace was filled with an air of tension and to make matters worse the empress dowager had forbidden her from sending any message to her palace.


Ouch! Watch where you are going".  The maid yelped as she glared covertly at Tang Chan Juan who had bumped into her.

"I am sorry". Tang Chan Juan murmured as she made her way towards the bed.

The maid exchanged a startled look with another maid who stood nearby. "What's wrong with her?". She asked.

"I don't know, she's been tense these days". The other said. Tang Chan Juan's apology was equal to the world coming to an end, her arrogance and rudeness was equal to none.

Knock! Knock!

A harsh knock on the door startled all the girls in the room, the knock was followed by a loud and brash voice.

"Servant Tang has been ordered to appear before the emperor in the imperial court".

All eyes were turned on Tang Chan Juan, she was the only one who bore the surname Tang. Tang Chan Juan clenched the sheets nervously, she exhaled and released them, everything was going according to the plan, she assured herself, yet a burning anxiety remained nested in her chest, she straightened her robes and ignored the inquiring gazes fixed on her, she stepped out of the room.

Awaiting her, were three imperial guards, dressed in black armor, their cold gazes and bloodthirsty aura invoked fear in her and she could not help the light shudder that ran through her.

"I am ser.. servant T..Tang". She stuttered with a nervous bow.

"Follow us, you have been summoned for a hearing at the imperial court". One of them spoke.

She started walking and they followed her behind, the whole journey was tense and silent until they reached the imperial court.


The huge red building loomed like a terrifying giant, on a plaque placed on the roof THE IMPERIAL COURT was written in calligraphy, the vivid strokes seemed to be embedded with a force, at the front of the huge black door stood ten guards, they pushed open the door and the guards escorting Tang Chan Juan walked in.

The resounding bang of the closed door startled Tang Chan Juan, the imperial court was filled with people of status she could have never seen in her life, they watched her with calculating gazes as though she was an animal locked in a cage, the empress dowager was seated behind a beaded curtain, which blocked her from view and finally the emperor dressed in an imposing golden official robe was seated upon the dragon throne, one that many desired to occupy.

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