10: At The Temple

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The gentle rays of the early morning sun illuminated the room, the light cascading on Han Liang's face, fragile lashes trembled slightly like the wings of a butterfly, and finally opened to reveal beautiful dark eyes.

Whining an inaudible complaint about the uncomfortable sunlight on his face, Han Liang shut his eyes again basking in the softness of the bed, everything seemed nice, the birds singing by the window, the sweet scent of some flower he couldn't quite remember in the air, the silky sheets and oh there was someone's arm around his waist, Han Liang's eyes flew open.


Han Liang stiffened the memory of the previous day's event rushing back to him, he was married to the emperor of Feng now and he didn't need any God to tell him whose hand was laying on his waist.

He moved away slightly hoping to remove himself from the emperor's grip without waking the man up, as he moved he could feel Feng Haoxuan move even closer.

"What damn games are you playing Feng Haoxuan" Han Liang screamed in the silence of his head, feeling the emperor shift even closer as he moved away still, Feng Haoxuan chuckled his grip on Han Liang's waist tightening, he had been awake for quite some time now.

"Why is huánghòu moving away from me, is there anything wrong with this emperor", his voice was low and still hoarse from sleep, yet bore a sexy huskiness that would have caused any maiden to blush, but only served to cause Han Liang annoyance.

Knowing there was no need to pretend anymore as he was already at the edge of the bed Han Liang simply turned over, "Good morning your imperial Majesty, this one wasn't avoiding the emperor, this one was just stretching".

"Stretching so far that you almost fell off the bed", Feng Haoxuan arched a brow at the flimsy excuse, but simply let it slide, lips curling in a smile, he tightened his hold around Han Liang's waist.

Han Liang stiffened, "what did Feng Haoxuan want, did he need him to perform his duties in bed by this time of the morning" he wondered as he side-eyed the emperor, seemingly noticing Han Liang's caution, Feng Haoxuan smiled "Huánghòu doesn't need to be afraid, Zhen will wait until you are ready".

Han Liang remained silent at this, he did not know what games Feng Haoxuan was playing at, but the thought that he didn't have to serve Feng Haoxuan in bed for the time being relieved him.


Eunuch Wu paced anxiously outside the doors of the chamber of Harmonious Unity, it was ten minutes past the time for the meeting with the king of Western Chu, and he felt dizzy from all the pacing, they were keeping the king of the most powerful country in the west, an important ally waiting.

Yet no matter how anxious he was he wouldn't dare to enter the chambers of the emperor and his empress even if he had ten lives, he knocked at the door again the anxiety obvious in his voice.


Han Liang could hear the voice of the eunuch and he was most certainly sure that the emperor could too unless he was deaf which he most certainly was not, yet Feng Haoxuan remained relaxed in bed, a meaningful smile hung on his lips.

Feng Haoxuan was keeping the king of Western Chu waiting, Han Liang could almost imagine how wild the rumors would be, that the emperor had indulged so wildly In pleasure with the empress not deeming even the king of Western Chu important enough.

Han Liang didn't mind playing along, on one hand, it would be good if people thought that he was favored by the emperor, and on the other hand he had not quite forgotten that Western Chu had played a part in the assassination plan against him not quite long ago and if Feng Haoxuan was going to spite the king he didn't mind.

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