4: An Assassination

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The carriage jostled to and fro, the sounds of horse hooves hitting the ground never seemed to stop, the atmosphere tense and serious.

Lu Xiao's face was pale and wane, they had been traveling for two days nonstop, and although the guards had been quite considerate by keeping their pace steady, being jostled and cooped up in a carriage for two days was not something comfortable.

Mu Qianfan's face was also quite pale and Han Liang was not feeling any better than the both of them.

"Tired?" Han Liang asked with a fiant chuckle.

Lu Xiao nodded, it was rare for him to be so quiet, but Han Liang understood that his nerves were stretched taut, he too felt uncomfortable after not having a bathe for two days.

Pushing the curtain slightly aside, Han Liang called on one of his personal guard who was keeping same pace with the carriage.

"Su Guo"

"Yes your royal highness?".

"Inform Eunuch Li and Marquis Dong, to stop at the nearest available inn, I want to rest".

"Yes , your royal highness".

Leading, them at the fore front, was Marquis Dong and Eunuch Li, Eunuch Li was an old and high ranking Eunuch in the palace, and even marquis Dong had to be polite to him.

"Gonggong, we have been traveling for two days nonstop, I think his royal highness will need some rest".

(Gonggong is a way to address an old high ranking eunuch).

Eunuch Li frowned, "we have orders from the king to reach Feng as soon as possible" his tone stated clearly, that a stop was unnecessary.

Hearing, the sound of horse hooves approaching them, both turned to look back and saw that it was Su Guo, the captain of Han Liang's personal guards.

"This Su greets Gonggong and marquis Dong, his royal highness has ordered to look for a inn to rest".

Eunuch Li's face, did not change, as though he wasn't the one who has disagreed with marquis Dong on taking a rest.

"Tell his royal highness that this eunuch understands and will carry out his orders right away".

Su Guo, nodded and speed off to inform Han Liang.

Autumn Winds could at best only be referred to as a an average looking inn, never in the owners life did he think he would host such Noble guests.

The royal entourage, managed to find an inn by evening, the arrival of such a large group stunned the people residing in the town, the symbol of the royal family and the dressing of the guards proved that it was a member of the royal family.

The owner, a short and chubby middle aged man was covered in sweat as he addressed eunuch Li, marquis Dong quickly began to instruct the guards to take security measures, while Han Liang was ushered into the best room that the inn had to offer.

A bath was the first thing on Han Liang's mind as he entered the room, Lu Xiao prepared the bathe water and Mu Qianfan decided to go to the kitchen to have the chefs quicken up the preparation of dinner.

Mu Qianfan walked, hurriedly through the passage, someone bumped into him, he could not quite see the face clearly, the overpowering sweet smell of some flower that Mu Qianfan could not name lingered on the person's body and caused his nose to scrunch up.

After, exchanging greetings with the guards placed outside the room, Mu Qianfan was allowed in with no hurdle at all.

Han Liang had already finished his bathe, with Lu Xiao's help and was dressed in a light robe.

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