15: The Prime Minister's Visit To Duke An

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Whoo 1k reads🎉🎉, you guys are so amazing, I know the celebration 🍾🥂 is kind of late, but I'm only finding time to update now, please forgive me.

Enjoy the double updates.

Xīnguāng District

Xīn yuè Manor

"Whatever you have done, you had better fix it, my brother was supposed to become the governor of Wan but now the position has been given to Lui Pu". Her words were spoken with anger, coming out harsh and breathless.

"Mind the way you speak to me woman before I have your tongue". He shot back with an angry snarl, fist slamming into the dining table, a plate of braised fish tumbled off, the oil staining the white fur rug, anger filling him even more, that rug had cost him a fortune, but he said nothing trying to get a rein on his anger, he was not a man who let his anger rule him, only a fool was ruled by anger and he was no fool, he wouldn't argue with her for she was a woman, he wouldn't argue with a brainless creature who only knew how to eat, sleep, gossip, shop, bear children and fight, it would be too lowly, too undermining, too stupid and he was no stupid man.

He was Shi Wang Jin, prime minister of Feng, bred from the loins of a tiger, he wouldn't fight with a woman, a lowly thing no different from a servant.

She recoiled, shocked by his words, eyes wide open, breath stuck in her throat, but soon she regained her strength, filled with energy, like a cobra she shot out, who did he think he was, she was the daughter of the Meng family, if not for her family he would have never become prime minister, her father made him, his threats did not scare her, he would have better luck using them on his concubines and servants.

"Whatever rubbish you have done that has angered the emperor and caused you to be suspended from the court, has rubbed off on my family, the Meng family has become a laughing stock in the capital, I had to leave the tea party at the Lu's when the gossip got overwhelming, Lui Pu's wife wouldn't stop flaunting, as if you haven't disgraced us enough with your unwise actions, now my family is getting dragged into this mess too". Meng Qing fumed.

"Mǔqīn there's no need to be so angry I believe the emperor is a just man he wouldn't make rash decisions". Shi Zhou soothed her anger.

Lips pulled down in disappointment, Meng Qing glared at him all too soon realizing yet again why she had always preferred her younger son.

"Zhou so you mean my brother is the one who is undeserving of the governor title". Shi Zhou was anxious at her words. "Mǔqīn of course I wouldn't dare think that about uncle, what I was trying to say was that---"

"My brother only lost the position because he wasn't fit to be governor, of course, the emperor is a just man, he wouldn't unleash his anger at your father's incompetence on my brother". She cut in, Shi Zhou swallowed and resolved it was best to stay silent, his words had been meant to end the quarrel, but of course, she read into the words, saying that the emperor was a just man didn't that just mean that her brother lost the title not because of his anger to the Shi family, but due to his incompetence.

"Just shut up and don't go sticking your nose into where it doesn't belong". Turning back to face her husband she continued. "You're still prime minister find a way to get back into the emperor's good grace and convince him that my brother should be governor".

Shi Wang Jin paid her words no need, he had been suspended from the court a few weeks ago with no definite date of being called back to work, found guilty of a couple of illegal works, naturally some of his stores had been shut down, based in the fact that they took part in the illegal market, cutting off a large flow of money to his pockets, he had kept all his illegal affairs a tight secret, how the emperor had gotten his hands on evidence shocked him, of course, he and the emperor were allies and such evidence should have been destroyed, but instead, it was displayed in court and he was suspended, all it took was a moment to know that the emperor was restricting his power and for what caused this, only the assassination attempt could take the blame, whether he was punished for trying to kill the empress or because he had connections in Han he too did not know.

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