New story.

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Hello  guys, I know I have delayed updating for too long, but I have been really busy and  I am trying to get the plot in order, but worry not, there will be an update in monday.

So there's this new idea that has been floating in my head for quite some time now and I finally decided to write it.

It's an historical fantasy novel that will be packed with action, adventure, mystery and romance.

Here's the cover and synopsis

A young magician-assassin gets trapped in the weak body of a powerless mage after performing a forbidden spell and must find a way to regain his powers

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A young magician-assassin gets trapped in the weak body of a powerless mage after performing a forbidden spell and must find a way to regain his powers.

Driven by revenge and on a quest to retrieve his family heirloom, Rong Shen a powerful mage performs a forbidden spell called soul shift and transfers his soul from his body to that of a young heir of one of the seven clans.

Shifting into a powerless body is not what he bargains for, his marriage to the acclaimed cursed prince is a means to enter the palace and gain back his powers, still, he finds himself growing closer and falling for someone he shouldn't, the son of an enemy.

Weaving through dark schemes and power struggles, Rong Shen finds himself amid a dark scheme, and as he struggles to find the truth of his past he must face the betrayals of those he trusted and find out who he truly is before he becomes the monster that everyone fear him to be.

A sneak peek of chapter one

It was a calm night, the clear light of the full moon shining brightly in the sky, its light the only source of illumination to the fast journeying procession in the middle of the night.


The horses screeched to a halt their hooves stomping on the floor, as they refused to move any further.

The guards watched with tensed bodies, cautious gazes staring at the dark forest, hands moving to their swords.

"Light". One of them spoke in a gruff voice immediately after a blazing fireball burst out from the palm of a slender young guard. Eyes widened as they took in the sight in front of them.

"Report this to his imperial majesty immediately".

A slender hand stretched out to push aside the red curtains, the purple gem on her finger glimmered on her long scarlet nails.

"Why the stop?". Her voice was like a siren call, relaxed and a little irritated.

"Lady Qian, you and His Imperial Majesty need to see this, clan leader Jiang's body is hanging from the trees". His face was pale voice laced with anxiousness.

"What?". She thundered all form of relaxation gone, the carriage door was opened and two figures stepped out.

Lady Qian was the first to step out, her long black robes trailing on the floor, her black hood covering her face revealing only scarlet red lips and a pale jaw, the other was a handsome man in his mid-forties his golden-colored robes were embroidered with majestic dragons, black hair held in a high ponytail, his aura sharp and overbearing.

"What is the meaning of this?" Lady Qian muttered as she stared at clan leader Jiang's body, he hung lifelessly on the tree, eyes wide in horror, face twisted in pain, his sword embedded in his chest as blood gushed to the floor in sickening thick thumps, a gaping hole in his chest the place his life crystal was supposed to be.

"It's him". The man spoke, his voice cold but laced with a calm anger. Lady Qian snapped her gaze to him. "Is your imperial majesty referring to the assassin who runs wild in the capital city?". She asked.

Gu Daoming nodded, to have killed clan leader Jiang proved that the assassin was more powerful than they thought him to be.

"Find him sorceress, he is still here". He instructed Lady Qian, she nodded, a purple flame appearing in the middle of her palm, it morphed until it achieved the shape of a bird, she released it and it flew out of her palm disappearing into the dark woods seconds later a figure appeared from the woods.

Dressed in all black a veiled bamboo hat covered his face, the flame bird caught in his grasp as it disintegrated into small sparks.

"So you are the assassin who's been killing mages in the capital city?". Gu Daoming asked his voice cold, the soldiers around him became tense surrounding him in a protective circle.

"I bet you loved the gifts, red is a beautiful color after all". He laughed, relaxed as though he wasn't surrounded by elite warriors.

If you are interested, then join this wild ride.Your support is fully appreciated.

Updates will be: Monday for When empires meet kingdoms and Thursday for Soul shift

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