8: The Painting

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"Red is more passionate, silver is more classy but gold is more regal, which will his royal highness be choosing?".

"Gold. Let's go with gold", Han Liang's voice held slight exasperation at this, he had been sitting here discussing with the middle aged woman for almost an hour, now he just felt bored and rather tired.

"His royal highness's choice is excellent", the woman was exquisitely dressed, she should have been a very beautiful person when she was younger, but now her beauty had faded with age and vindictiveness, her face was covered with heavy rouge and her lips painted a scarlet red, she had been teaching him since the second day he came to Feng, about the traditions and customs of a royal wedding, today she had come with the royal tailor to take his measurements and to choose the colour of his wedding robes.

Unlike in Han were the bride and groom were both mandated by tradition to wear red, in Feng only the commoners wore red, members of the royal could choose the colour of their own robes.

Su Lian, the middle aged woman, was an attentive person, seeing that Han Liang was no longer interested in the details of the wedding clothes, she knew it was time to tactically take her leave, "With the permission if his royal highness, this one begs to take her leave".

"This prince grants you permission", at Han Liang's reply, Su Lian left after a slight bow, the royal tailor and his assistant in tow.

The days after Han Liang had arrived in Feng, had passed in a blur and were monotonous, after settling in the palace of virtuous honour, Han Liang's movement were limited to only the palace, he had to take various lectures about the history of Feng and different traditions, Su Lian was a common face as she taught him about traditions to observe at the upcoming wedding.

Feng Haoxuan had not visited since his arrival, but Feng Weiting had been a common face, the minister never stayed long but he always came with sweet words, saying how the emperor was always concerned about Han Liang, whether Feng Haoxuan really said such words or if he just wanted Han Liang to feel favoured no one knew.

Any other person would feel flattered by the concern of the emperor, but Han Liang was unmoved, but he always wore a pleased and shy smile when Feng Weiting came to speak words of concerns.

"Qianfan, find me a coat, I want to go out for a stroll", Han Liang said, the weather had become quite cold, the continuous rain and the dull grey clouds seemed to be part of the reason of his low mood, toady was a rare day were it didn't rain, taking a stroll was a good excercise to pass the day.

"Yes, your royal highness", Mu Qianfan's reply was swift as he went to get a coat for Han Liang.

"Bai Chen seeks his royal highness's permission to enter", the youthful and sunny voice of Bai Chen was carried across the room through the door.

Han Liang's brow furrowed, what message the young eunuch brought he didn't know, "You may enter". With the permission now granted, Bai Chen entered, his head lowered, with his green robes fluttering behind him. On reaching Han Liang he cupped his fists,"This lowly eunuch greets his royal highness", Han Liang nodded in acknowledgement to the greetings.

"Bai Chen is here to inform his royal highness that Lady of imperial grace, madam Murong Yan seeks audience with his royal highness". "Let her know that this prince will join her in a short time", Han Liang replied, Bai Chen left to deliver the message.

After Bai Chen left Han Liang couldn't help but raise a brow, Murong Yan was a famous name, she was the wife of the late younger brother of the previous emperor, she had only one son, according to rumors she was the one who Feng Haoxuan acknowledged more as a mother than the empress dowager, after all Murong Yan had been the one who raised him since he was young, her visit was rather surprising and Han Liang wondered what she wants.

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