13: Negotiations And Threats

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"I didn't expect emperor Feng to lose a game of chess to me", king Amon chuckled resting in his seat in a languid posture.

"King Amon's tactics are just too domineering, chess is a strategic game that requires patience, your actions of sacrificing your chess pieces caught me off guard" Feng Haoxuan replied eyes trained on the chess board on the table.

"Maybe always being patient is not a good thing" King Amon

"Maybe". Feng Haoxuan agreed.

Amon eyed Feng Haoxuan even after losing he displayed not a single hint of anger, this was one of the reasons he feared the man every expression was like a painted mask, a facade, the man was handsome, and he wouldn't deny it but still he could not quite understand what his sister saw in him, Feng Haoxuan was not a good man, cunning, vengeful and cold-hearted, his smiles a mask to hide a dark madness, still Khepri insisted on loving him. Love? He didn't understand the emotion, all his wives were married for the power they brought him or for their beauty, but if this love made his sister happy then he would support her.

"Another round?" Feng Haoxuan offered snapping Amon out of his thoughts, he still didn't know the reason Feng Haoxuan had invited him for a game of chess, it was certainly more than just old “friends”, chatting, though he enjoyed the game, it was not every day he found something was he defeated Feng Haoxuan.

"Emperor Qin Tong offered an alliance with Western Chu and I must admit that his offer is tempting". Amon said as he moved his soldier.

"And why are you telling me this?" Feng Haoxuan asked staring at the chess board and contemplating his next move.

"I was thinking we could form a better alliance". Feng Haoxuan finally focused his gaze on Amon. "The war between Qin and Feng has been a long-standing feud, I believe it's wise that Western Chu doesn't interfere".

Amon chuckled. "Why? Western Chu has plenty to gain from allying with Qin unless Feng has a better offer".

"I wonder why King Amon is so invested in this alliance, for all I know Feng is not a threat to Western Chu, while Emperor Qin Tong might be blinded by foolish hate, you know that we just ended a war with Han, Feng is not so strong to support another war in such quick succession". Feng Haoxuan moved another soldier. "Your turn", he reminded Amon who nodded.

"I don't think Feng is any weak, especially now that you have secured an alliance with seven kingdoms". Amon said, slightly probing to see if Feng Haoxuan would acquiesce to having an alliance with the seven kingdoms.

"I don't see why you should consider Feng a   threat because of an alliance that has not yet been confirmed, Feng has indeed suffered casualties in the war with Han, but if Qin wants a war then we won't shrink from it, Emperor Qin might have become muddled by age but I know exactly what you want to do, you will send a few soldiers to join in the war to perform a half-hearted support, once Feng is conquered you will turn your army against Qin, still weak from the war it will be easy to defeat Qin and Western Chu will be the winner, for all I see Western Chu is the real threat here and I believe Emperor Qin will feel the same once he is given an eye opener".

Amon cursed 'How had Feng Haoxuan known exactly what he was planning', his expression turned guarded, and he hesitantly made his next move, seeing as a soldier of his had been captured and his route was blocked.

"Are you threatening me?" Amon asked.

"It's not a threat, Western Chu has always been a strong country, even the average woman has a strength that could rival a man's let's not talk about the army, everyone praises Feng for having the largest military troops, but we both know the strength of Western Chu army, but too few people have seen their might".

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