11: Banquet

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This chapter is dedicated to an amazing person, @iretomilola

Accompanied by the sound of her voice and the soft chimes of jingling anklets, she finally stepped into view.

Han Liang watched as the figure walked in, the top of her hair was styled in a flower bun while the lower half was combed to the side and held with a hair band, a round face, and small almond eyes that tilted slightly, they were dark and shone with amusement, red lips were curved into a crooked smirk, cheeks painted into a slight red with rose tinted rogue, it complimented her glossy white skin, she wore a forest green cheongsam, which clung to her body, every curve portioned in the right place and walked with a feline-like grace, her aura was one of confidence, like a predator, she was a beautiful woman and she was aware of it.

The faces of the two gossiping ladies changed, their faces sporting equally ugly looks, the one in orange was the first one to hide her looks quickly, with a slight nod she greeted, "Greetings courtesan Yue", the courtesan paid her no attention, eyes still trained at the one dressed in yellow robes, if the lady dressed in orange robes was angry about being ignored she did not show it.

The one in yellow looked at courtesan Yue in anger, "Were you speaking to me?".

"Ah I see, not only are you stupid and ugly you are also deaf, with such ugly looks it's no wonder that the emperor is not paying any attention to you" Courtesan Yue mocked.

"How dare you, do you know whose daughter I am, a lowly courtesan like you, you are only fit to serve on the bed of men like the prostitute you are", the one in the yellow spat. The one in orange remained silent, it was true that by family background she was of higher rank than the courtesan, but courtesan Yue was favored by the emperor, one whispered word in bed and they could be thrown out of the palace, but she made no move to stop the other, she had never quite liked her anyway so proud and arrogant and one less competitor was always welcomed.


The sound of a loud slap was amplified by the silence in the hallway, the lady in yellow fell to the floor, the red palm print on her pale cheeks was startling, she stared with wide eyes too shocked to speak, having never been hit in all her life.

"I only know how to serve in the bed of men like a prostitute, I see how you are no different seeing as you have been aiming to climb the bed of the emperor". The one in yellow seemed to have finally snapped out of her shock, "you..."

"Enough", another voice cut in suddenly, all three ladies turned to look at the intruder, they were shocked to know someone had been listening to their conversation without their knowledge and even more surprised when they saw who it was.

"Greeting your imperial majesty", they knelt and greeted in unison, Han Liang waved a hand, "Rise", Han Liang was furious, he had planned to leave thinking it was nothing but two women insulting each other, he had not expected courtesan Yue to get physical.

"All three of you have you no shame, arrant disrespect fighting in the temple, in the presence of God", he turned to courtesan Yue, "And you, you have a lot of anger in you, you slapped her, by tomorrow I want you to make a calligraphy of a copy of section 107, chapter 56 of Great peace, it will help with your anger issues, my attendant will collect it".

Courtesan Yue was astonished, "But your imperial majesty, that's about five thousand words", Han Liang arched a brow, "And is there a problem with that", she swallowed whatever it was she wanted to say and shook her head hesitantly.

"And you mind the way you speak, such fowl language, have you forgotten you are an unmarried lady, if I ever hear you speak such words then I will have you thrown out of the palace", the one in yellow robes turned pale but said nothing, Han Liang side-eyed the one in orange but said nothing to her.

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