6: Princess Khepri And The Arrival

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"He will be awake by dawn, the northwest flower is a medicinal flower, it causes no harm, when taken in small doses it can be used to put insomniac patients to sleep, but the amount that Qianfan inhaled was too much that is why he became unconscious".

Han Liang explained to a worried looking Lu Xiao, who had been rather tense since when an unconscious Mu Qianfan was carried into the room.

Lu Xiao breathed a sigh of relief at this, he had never been so scared, the events that happened today had been both tiring and shocking, having been well protected in the palace, this was the first time that he had brushed so close to death.

A servant boy came into the room and informed Han Liang that Su Guo and Ling Zhan where waiting for him in the outer room, Han Liang nodded and waved him out, then stood up to go and meet Su Guo and Ling Zhan.

"Your royal highness, should I accompany you?" Lu Xiao asked.

"No, you look haggard,stay in the room with Qianfan and rest". Han Liang said.

Su Guo and Ling Zhan greeted Han Liang with a bow when he entered the room, Han Liang nodded at them and took his seat, both Su Guo and Ling Zhan remained standing upright with their eyes down.

"What's the name?" Han Liang asked.

"Reporting to his royal highness, the assailant confessed that the one who gave the order was Royal noble consort Jiang". Su Guo replied.

"And do both of you think he was telling the truth?" Han Liang asked.

"Ling Mo doesn't dare to assume, but this servant believes that the guard was lying". Ling Zhan said.

("Mo" is a way to referring to one's self without mentioning, their name).

Even though both Su Guo and Ling Zhan knew the guard was lying they knew there would be no need investigating further as the guard would no longer agree to say any thing.

Han Liang nodded, clearly satisfied at the answer.

"The Jiang family is an old and powerful military family in Han, their powers and connection wide spread, if Royal noble consort Jiang was really behind this assassination plot then the guard wouldn't even dare mention her name". Su Guo added.

"Indeed, unless the guard was without any family he wouldn't dare to mention Royal noble consort Jiang, if she was really the one behind this, moreover Royal noble consort Jiang is a bit too dumb to come up with such a detailed plan as this, apart from fighting for the King's favour and plotting against fellow harem members all other actions are controlled by her father duke Jiang, royal consort Jiang is just a mere pawn on his chess piece" Han Liang said.

"But who would be so insidious and daring as to plot an assassination against his royal highness and also try to frame royal noble consort Jiang?" Ling Zhan asked in confusion.

"It would have been a good plot if the assassination attempt had succeded, daring to frame royal noble consort Jiang, means that this person has already created evidence to pin the blame on her, getting rid of the Jiang family in one swoop, really a case of killing two birds with one stone". Han Liang said.

"But if his highness was really dead, then the marriage contract with Feng would have been unfulfilled, Feng might even deem this as a provocation and start the war again, what does this person stand to gain if Han is conquered by Feng?" Ling Zhan was clearly puzzled.

"And have you never thought that the person in the palace who instructed the royal guards to assassinate me might be working with someone from Feng" Han Liang replied with a small smile that did not reach his eyes.

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