7: Behind The Assassination And Xiang Chun

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Sorry for the late chapter update guy's been really busy and barely have anytime for myself. 😓😓😓

Thanks for your patience, after this chapter, I will try to make an update of two more chapters this week, will also come up with an update schedule soon✍️✍️✍️

Don't forget vote and share your thoughts of the story so far.🙏🙏

The moment he accepted that hand Han Liang knew that his fate had changed forever, his hand was held in a tight grip as he gently pushed the curtain aside and stepped out of the carriage, before him stood the emperor of Feng.

Han Liang was stunned when he saw the emperor, he did not look like the monster that he had imagined, instead he looked exactly the opposite of what he had imagined.

Blessed with exquisite features and with the faint smile on his lips, his eyes looked gentle and when gazed with by those peach blossom eyes that looked intense one could easily get carried away and feel as though they where being looked at by a lover, the golden shadow casted upon him by the sun, made him seem like a god surrounded by an halo.

While Han Liang observed the emperor, Feng Haoxuan observed Han Liang as well, his looks where really worthy of the title "White pearl of Han", a stunning and unique beauty, his looks put to shame the number one beauty of Feng and despite being a bit pale from the journey, it did nothing to diminish his good looks. Now he understood why many thought that he had been bewitched and wanted Han Liang for his looks.

Han Liang was not carried away by Feng Haoxuan's looks, he knew that under this gorgeous visage and gentle smile was a crazed mad man, a man whose hands was stained with the blood of his brother, whose reason to marry him still remained unknown.

"Han Liang greets his imperial majesty, this one is honoured by his imperial majesty's presence", he greeted with a slight bow.

"Zhen has heard a lot about prince Han Liang and this emperor is impressed". Feng Haoxuan voice was gentle as he spoke.

"This one is flattered and is glad to have impressed the emperor with this one's meager skills".

"The prince is polite, zhen knows that the journey has been tiring, this emperor won't keep you anymore".

After a few polite exchange of words, Feng Haoxuan helped Han Liang back into the carriage and the entourage made their way to Feng.

The journey to Feng was fast and short, looking out through the slightly transparent curtains, Han Liang could see the huge red wall that surrounded the palace, the white flag on which a red phoenix covered in flames, fluttered high in the wind.

"We really are in Feng" Lu Xiao murmured, a small shudder in his voice.

"We will be fine, it won't be that bad" Mu Qianfan said to Lu Xiao quietly, whether he was trying to convince Lu Xiao or himself no one knew.

"You both need to be cautious in your words and deeds, we are basically stepping in dangerous territories, you are both one of the few that I can trust in Feng, I expect both of you to be sharp and alert". Han Liang's tone was sharp as he said this, both Lu Xiao and Mu Qianfan nodded.

Han Liang felt apprehensive, the emperor was someone that he needed to guard against, he knew he had many hidden enemies in Feng, one of the had even made a move on his life, but he needed to stay calm, he would never let anyone succeed in their plans to ruin Han, here he no longer had his father's protection and he could only fight his own battles now.

Thankfully, Feng Haoxuan did not escort Han Liang all through the journey, but the news that the soon to be empress was highly favoured and had been personally escorted by the emperor and more than five thousand dragon blood guards had already spread through out the entire palace.

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