12: The Emperor's Gift And A Job Appointment

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Curious gazes followed the guard who stepped into the hall, eyes filled with unasked questions staring at the golden tray covered with a red cloth that the guard carried. What could the emperor's gift be? And why was it so small?

The guard bows and uncovers the tray, the content has everyone gaping with surprise,  a beautiful sword lay there gleaming in all its glory and sharpness.

Han Liang's eyes widened as he took in the appearance of the sword, the blade was thin and curved slightly at the top, the silvery light of the steel shone, the sharpness felt by the eyes alone, the hilt was black, a red gem was embedded on the hilt, the gem was known as the dragon's eye, a rare stone only found across the seas in the seven kingdoms and priceless, it glowed like a burning flame, a golden dragon was coiled around the hilt and a silver tassel hung around the edge, eyes stared, breaths caught in throats as they gazed at the most beautiful sword they had ever seen.

"Crafted by the best craftsmen in the seven kingdoms, sharper and lighter than any sword ever seen, it can cut through even the strongest metal, Black gold like tofu, a unique gift for a unique empress", Feng Haoxuan said, the other kings and emperors were unsettled, the fact that Feng had connections with the seven kingdoms was unsettling.

"While I don't mean to doubt the words of Emperor Feng or the craftsmanship of the seven kingdoms, can this sword really cut through Black gold "? Skepticism was clear in the voice of King Shi Kong, all others seemed to share the same thoughts as whispered murmurs filled the hall.

"Then it's very easy to determine, get a piece of Black gold and simply use the sword to cut it". Her voice was regal and one of authority, Feng Haoxuan stared in the direction of the empress dowager, but the beaded red curtains obscured his sight, leaving only a slightly hazy figure in view.

"Mother is right". He acquiesced with a nod, at a snap of his finger, a guard appeared at his side and Feng Haoxuan whispered words to his ears no doubt ordering him to bring in the black gold.


The Black gold looked nothing special, a black metal shaped like a brick was what the guard carried in, yet necks stretched as everyone hurried to take in the appearance of the legendary, unbreakable metal.

The legend that surrounded the Black gold sounded like fiction itself, found more than two hundred years ago, during the reign of emperor Feng Ruan, it was discovered by a miner in one of the emperor's gold mines, the emperor dismissed it after it was brought to him seeing that it was black and looked no different from a lump of mud.

When a blacksmith tried to melt it to make jewelry for his wife, he found out that it wouldn't melt, this was soon reported to the emperor, who now interested, ordered his advisor to research the metal, six months later the results came, the metal could only be melted at a fire as hot as 2175° celsius, it could not be penetrated by any steel.

All armory of the emperor's army and high-ranked officials was made from Black gold, many had tried to steal it but it was a well-guarded treasure of Feng, and only the emperor had access to it.

Now, in present times only the large double-edged heavy sword of Western Chu was capable of causing small damage to the metal, for years this was the main reason why no country wanted to provoke the empire.

When the guard made to lift the sword, Han Liang interrupted, "Wait, it's my sword, so I will do the demonstration myself". King Shi Kong looked taken aback. "A sword is not something a pretty ger should be using, it's a real weapon, not a toy you should be playing with." His words trailed off as a cold glare from Han Liang silenced him.

"Anyone with common sense would be able to tell that emperor Feng would not give his empress a sword if he didn't know how to use it". King Amon said chuckling, Shi Kong's face turned ugly, lips pulled tautly, but said nothing as he couldn't provoke the king of Western Chu.

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