3: Leaving For Feng

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So here's a new update, please guys try to comment and vote, and for those who didn't know, this is an original story not a translation.

There will be a short glimpse of the male lead in this chapter, excited。◕‿◕。.

She was a beautiful woman, blessed with a smooth glossy white skin, a small round face, red lips and apricot eyes, a slight smile hung on her lips, her eye's looking lovingly and gently at the little baby held in her arms, even if it was just a painting,the painter captured the emotions very beautifully making the woman look as though she could come alive anytime.

Han Liang, was not fortunate enough, to grow old enough to recognize his mother's face before she died,so he could only see her face by looking at her paintings when he grew older.

Han Liang, had been told by many that he resembled his mother, except that his features were more shaper and he had his father's phoenix eye's.

"Her royal majesty the late queen, was an absolutely amazing woman, and she loved his highness a lot". Nanny Wang said in a soft voice, staring at the painting of the woman who she had served in her youth.

Han Liang's eyes finally moved away from the portrait of his mother that he had been staring at since he arrived from the king's chambers and turned to look at nanny Wang.

"Everyone including father said that about her, I wished she had lived long enough for me to know her, unfortunately some wishes never come through". Han Liang said as he took a sip on the now lukewarm black jasmine tea, Han Liang rather liked the mellow and slightly bitter taste.

(Black jasmine is just something I came up with,not sure it exists.)

"What reasons could there possibly be to make Feng's emperor want to marry a ger and that too as an empress?".

Nanny Wang was a bit thrown of guard, she could not understand how the conversation had changed form the late queen, to Feng's marriage proposal.

"Answering to his highness, this Wang couldn't possibly fathom the depths of an emperor's mind" she replied, infact she too was just as baffled as Han Liang.

"Who can tell what goes on in the mind of a mad man". A hoarse voice suddenly said, it was Lu Xiao, his eyes were red as he had been crying feeling both fearful and sad at the fate of his master.

"Lu Xiao, mind your language, that is Feng's emperor you are speaking about" Han Liang's voice was stern and sharp.

Lu Xiao was startled, he was rarely scolded by the prince, "But that is what everyone says.." Lu Xiao stated clearly aggrieved, but cut himself off when he saw the look in Han Liang's eyes go shaper.

"Lu Xiao, understands and will never dare to speak such words again".

Mu Qianfan sighed, Lu Xiao was like that, not having a filter over his words and saying the first thing that came to his mind, but soon they will leave for Feng with the prince and if Lu Xiao was to continue saying such words, he would probably lose his life faster than he could say his name.

Han Liang sighed and placed the tea cup on the table, now rather tired of the taste of the tea that had become cold.

"Mu Qianfan, get me a coat, I want to take a stroll".

"Yes your highness". He answered and soon returned with a thick white fur coat which he helped Han Liang wear.

Nanny Wang left to go and have the chef prepare Han Liang's lunch,so only Mu Qianfan and Lu Xiao, would escort the prince to take his stroll.

On opening the door, they were suprised to see a small commotion taking place.

A young woman, whose clothing revealed that she was a maid servant was currently in the process of trying to persuade a small boy of about eight.

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