💛Chapter 2- This is me

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Jace's POV

The sound of the punching bag wakes me up. I haven't slept in days, years, fucking centuries! I'm Jace Miles. I'm a 19 year old Male... " hey you! What's up?" Says Zoë, my sister " Your boyfriend's dick is what's fucking up" I laugh. " ha ha ha very funny " she says sarcastically while handing me a banana milkshake.

Like I said. I'm a 19 year old Male. I am not so fit but I do exercise as in, body building. People say that it is weird that I call hardcore abs not exercising.

"Any plans this weekend before we go back to New York " Zoë asks " nah I'll fuck a girl and go see Veronica. You?" I reply " I'll call Zed the whole Saturday "

I'm an everyday new girl-not virgins- to satisfy me
When I need. The best in bed is my ex . Veronica. She is just like me only difference is that she has a new sex mate, a male, to give head.

I never wanted this life but it is how I get over stress and depression. Most of these emotions from ... home yes home.

I live with my dad but I do not live with my mother because she was an abuser of power, emotion, physically, mentally and she was a psychopath.

.....I..I have scars on my chest Implicated by her. I stare at them everyday. How did it happen you ask, well , she had a fight with my dad when I was 10. She took me to the basement and tied me to a chair

She had me thinking we were playing hide and seek, then she grazed my chest slowly with a knife. I screamed for someone to save me. My dad came to my rescue

I had to go to the hospital because I passed out. While there my family had a hard time. I had seizures on the bed and was at risk of death. When I woke 3 days later I cried in my father's shoulders.

That called for my father to divorce my mother. And she was put to arrest for five years. Should have been al life sentence.

From that day on I have been emotionally depressed and did a lot of terrible things. At first I cried everyday, then at 14 I went to drinking. To cussing and cursing. Then sex. My dad does not know about the sex, but he does know the rest and let's me live because he knows what I am going through.

We drove to a Gas station to get groceries that day. "So, tomorrow you are going back to school, should I book you dorms or do you want to rent the apartments I sent you to see" dad asked. "No!" Zoë and I said in unison. Dad looked confused. "We mean that we would like the apartments. No dorms" Zoë says and smiles. I nodded in agreement. "Okay. Let's purchase some groceries for this month for you in your apartments"

While dad gets the shit, I stand next to Zoë and watch her text zed

'Hi baby ♡♡' she says

Three full stops pop up showing he I typing

'Hey my angel from heaven' Zoë giggles. What the fuck!

Then she types ' Jace stop staring at my phone ' then looks at me "Fine " I say . She continues to smile and giggles

Our dad then comes back with 3 bags. He hands one to me and one to Zoë. I lift the bag to the trunk of my truck and put them in with my dad's. Zoë whines. "What's up" I ask " I can't lift the bags. "

She whines again trying to lift the bag

I take the bag and head to the truck. " Thanks babe!" She says and I roll my eyes. "Alright let's hit the road " dad says and we took an hour long drive from Miami to new York.

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