💛Chapter 26- burn baby burn

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Our first chapter with Zoë's POV enjoy!

Zoë's POV

I wanted to snatch that fake hair off her balding head. She was in the middle of fucking sobbing. I hated, no despised her ragged ass. My dad then pulls her into his arms and consoles her. Mumbling words like 'it's okay,' bitch! It's not okay.

"Zoë get your mom some tissues," excuse fucking me?

"I'm not doing that." My dad glares at me.

"That's an order!"

"I don't take orders from you especially when they associate with my egg doner!" Susan gasps. The tears in her eyes continue to flow. My dad flares crimson. I met up with his rage with rage of my own. 

I want to see blood. I want her to suffer the same way she put my brother into suffering.

I walk up the stairs to see Chloë staring down in utter shock.

"Chloë dear can you take some tissues please she needs to wipe her face"

"Leave Chloë out of this. She is trying to fix Jace and yet you brought the exact same person who broke him. "

I took all the steps up and when I reached for my bedroom door. I noticed something was wrong.

Jace, Jace, Jace!

"Jace we have to find him!" I scream.

"Dad Jace is gone we have to go find him."

I say runing down the stairs. Chloë joins me by my side and we all start panicking. Dad rubs on Susy's back and tells her to get up.

I quickly grab the car keys and everyone heads to the garage door. We all jump into the car and drive off in search of him. The gates open and my dad locks them.

I check Jace's location with my phone and it's back in the house. Shit!

"Where could he possibly go?" Susy asks.

"As if you would care as much." I say.

She covers her mouth and dad puts his hand on her thigh and rubs it.

"He could possibly be in a bar, a skate rink hell even the forest,"

Then it rings in my head. He has always been telling me that one day he would burn the old house down no matter who lived in that house. And we needed to know if someone does live in it.

"Dad? Did you really sell the old house?" He hesitates. He wants to lie.

"Shit. Jace, he's there go, turn around!" We turn to the palm estate which had our old house. We drive for five whole minutes around the estate in search of Jace's Car. I was being destroyed by my anxiety. We need to find him. What if he hurts himself? My thoughts spinning around. The endless possibilities of what could happen to Jace kept repeating themselves.

"His truck!" Chloë squeals. And we see it parked beside our old house. He broke in all I could hear  was things crashing and him screaming as they broke then we heard him smash something big. We needed to intervene before the cops do.

Jace's POV

I drive into the estate and park near the house of horrid memories. The times I loved and wished to forget all tucked into four corners and a roof.

I pick up my baseball bat from the back of my truck and close. I walk up to the door and realise it is locked. I smash the glass to turn the lock from inside and it works. I open up and enter.

"Holy shit!" I walk in and it's the same way we left it. Cleaned up the same way Susy would do it. With all our family photos on the wall. Dad never sold this place. It does not make sense.

"Oh so that's how it is huh?" I walk around the living room and pay attention. Take in every last nook and cranny of this house. I notice a new establishment. And entire shelf of expensive collected China, on a fucking display shelf.

I pull the bat into my hands and whack the the first row of four rows of China with my bat. The second row next and I scream.


Then my rage just ran to my hands and ignite them. I smash everything in my way.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!..." after every single thing I smash.

Then I see the glass oven in the kitchen and I throw the bat in the air and catch it in a fancy way and bash up the oven up 10 to 20 times.

I look for the lighter in the drawers and find the lighter. I'm going to burn this baby down to ashes. I pour alcohol all over the couch and remembered dad had gasoline in the....


I began to laugh like a maniac. My head fell back as I continued my wicked laugh. I walked my drunken ass to the basement and open the door. I rub my hand on the walls. The memories fill my head like a flood.

The heat of my tears on my cheek runs down to my neck. The very same chair I was tied on staring back at me.

"Fuck you!," I sob.

I pick up the gasoline and pour it all over the basement.

"We are about to light you up baby. I walk upstairs to take a final glimpse of the fucked up house hold.

Chloë's POV

We pull up and find the door broken. He crashed the glass and opened the door. When we enter my steps slowed to process every last bit of what I see.

Pieces of glass everywhere on the floor. The glass oven in the kitchen looks like a bull struck it's horns into it multiple times like it is trying to get rid of them.

The woman called Susy sobs.

"My China!" Is that what she cares about what about the when house that is disintegrated.

Then I hear footsteps. Jace! He walks up to us and stares at us.

"Oh for fuck sakes. You even follow me when I do not need you. "

"Jace what are you doing to this house?" Tim asks him.

"Oh yeah I'm sipping a cup of tea!" He laughs to the extent where he snorts. He is definitely high.

He has a gasoline tank in his hands. Is he going to burn this place?

He pours the gasoline on the floor in a circle around him. No no!

"Jace do not do this" Tim says.

"Too late." He throws the lighter on the couch and it immediate lights up. And it trails to the ground.

"Come on Jace let's go. Now! Let's go please?" Tim tries to pull him but Jace punches his face and he falls back.

"Come Jace please?!" Zoë screams. I'm frozen in place while everyone exits. Then I realise I can convince him. I walk up to him and tug his shirt.

"Jace, Jace please come with me. Don't do this we have to go. Do this for me," he looks at me intently deep in my eyes. Then I pull him by the shirt and he walks out with me.

"..The fire fucking fire department dad!" Zoë screams at Tim. She then sees Jace and runs to him and holds him tight in her arms. He curls his arm around her neck.

His eyes then land on Susy and he glares at her. She shrinks under his gaze.
The house continues to burn until the fire department came by. Tim explains everything. We were told to go home until it was under control.

We arrived and we did not speak. Nor did we eat dinner. We a went to the rooms and slept. I slept on the couch. And Suzy went to sleep in a hotel last I checked.

All three points of view! I'm sorry for complicating things. I thought the chapter needed a glimpse of what all the three see. I hoped you enjoyed. Don't forget to vote my pineapples!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03 ⏰

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