💛Chapter 22-Q&A

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The dryer turns and I stare at it my mind deep in thought. I put away everything and fell in love with someone I don't know. I took both my feet from New York to Miami. I'm so bold at times. If my parents could find out about this I could possibly die.

I shake my head really hard and walk to Jace's bed room to find him laying on the carpet. On his phone. Why is he always so engrossed in his phone?

"What are you doing?" I ask. He gives me a slight smirk that immediately gave me a response of how it is none of my business.

" So you won't yell me anything about you?"

"What do you want to know Kardashian?"

"Everything. I want to know why you call me that. Who you are, you're life. You are not so open about things"

"And you are a very nosy Kardashian." I wanted to blow up he still calls me that. I then spoke out of thought.

"Stop calling me that it pisses me off!" I shout and throw myself on the carpet. He then frowns and sits up then takes me in his embrace.

"I'm sorry. I did not know you don't like that. I'm just trying to compliment your body. You look like one of them. Only difference is yours is natural. No bullshit" I never thought about is like that.

"Let me make it up to you. Ask me all the questions you like" I took this game pretty seriously

"Okay. Who are you Jace?"

He took a deep breath as if he were about to make a speech about himself.

"I'm Jason Bruce Miles. I'm seventeen. You know my dad Tim Wilson Miles and my sister Zoë Amanda Miles. She was named after my grandmother." I wanted to know about his mother too but he seemed to have fully explained himself.

"And... your mom?" He suddenly coughed really loud.

"Uhm I am not answering that question. Any thing else?" He solidly replies. He seemed pissed off at that question. I did not ask further. However my body ached to know about his mother. It seemed to me the whole family just does not talk about this woman.

"Okay. Why this type of dress code? Your entire wardrobe is black." He chuckles.

"I'm just not a fan of bright colours. I blend in with the crowd more than i stand out.

We spent an entire hour talking about our lives. He teased and told jokes there and there. I loved how normal it was like good friends having a normal conversation without having t get intimate. Even though I was in his embrace no sexy butterflies just normal butterflies anyone would feel.


The evening came and I walked down the passage to get some water to freshen up. Tim had not yet arrived home but Zoë was there. As I walked near Zoë's room I heard intense sobbing. I knocked and let my self in. I see her on her bed and curled up crying.

"What's wrong Zoë? " she tried to speak and the words did not come out of her mouth asprobably planned she then picked up her phone opened it and handed it over to me.

I saw a video of a blonde guy kissing a brunette like really hard. And she stripped of his shirt. Then a girl with two coloured hair appeared into the picture with her middle finger in the air. As the video played again for the second time I realised that it was Zed and Veronica in the the video. And Zed was cheating with a brunette. My mouth opens up in shock. And Zoë cries even more.

I open up my arms and give her a hug as she cries on my shoulders. I wanted to apologise but I thought it would make the situation worse than it already is.

The door then barges open and Jace appears.

"What the fuck is going on over here?"
He asked his brows knitted together.

"Zoë talk to me!" Jace pressed. I took the phone and showed Jace the video.

"The fuck?" His hands form a fist as if he would punch a wall.

"I will put this bitch down. For fuck sakes" Zoë moves up from my shoulders and shakes her head.

"Don't.... go after ....him please." She begs taking deep breaths in between.

"Why the fuck?! Look at you, he did this and I swore if he made you cry I would fuck up his blonde ass." I had never heard Jace speak so violently. It was foreign. The way Zoë begged him not to do it some how proved he was pugnacious.

" Zoë, get some rest we'll deal with it later. You need to sleep" I said while rubbing her back in reassurance.

I walk to Jace's bedroom and realise I forgot to drink my water. Or even just take the glass in fact. I lay beside Jace and look at his back. He is tensed up. I wrap my arm around him and pull my self closer to his warmth.

I wondered what us he thinking about. Is he still considering the fact that he will kill Zed for his actions. Or maybe he is trying to calm down I don't know. If only he would look at me maybe I would know but he has just turned his face away.

"Jace are you alright?" I ask my voice coming out as mainly a whisper. He clears his throat

"I'm okay baby. Just put off." He turns and his fingers rub my temples. He plants a kiss on my forehead and pulls me closer to his chest. His musky cologne fills my nostrils with excitement. I take a deep breath of the air which makes me yawn. As he continued to rub on my temples I fell asleep.


I wake up really late. At eleven am. I stretch and wore my slippers and went downstairs to the lovely smell of food. I haven't eaten breakfast at my normal time so I was starving. As I walked down I found Jace in the kitchen without any shirt but shorts and his apron that reads

'Sexy chefs cook up good meals' I smiled at the expression

"You're up late Chloë?" He smiles as he adds vegetables into the saucepan.

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