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The first time you kissed a girl... Well, you had no plan.

You and your best friend were sitting on a bench at a street fair, stuffed full of fried food and debating which carnival ride to go on next. You said something ridiculous, likely cracked a joke at your own expense, and She threw Her head back and laughed.

Your heart unexpectedly skipped a beat, causing you to press a hand to your chest and wonder if all the grease in your veins was killing you already. Maybe you were going to die in Her arms tonight.

Then She looked at you, really looked at you. Like She knew you, inside and out. And, at that moment, it was almost like you just had to kiss Her. Like there would be major, dimension-altering consequences if you didn't.

Your heart beat faster and faster as your face got closer and closer to Hers, then seemed to explode like a supernova when your lips landed on their mark. Your eyes closed on their own accord, blocking out the rest of the world as you lost yourself in the sensation.

You didn't get to see Her face, just felt Her lips fall open in a gasp. So you tilted your head a little and licked into Her mouth, like you'd seen on TV and read about in books.

HER lip gloss tasted like banana taffy, the only flavor of taffy that stayed on your palette all day long after you had a single piece. You crossed your fingers that the taste of cotton candy still lingered on your tongue.

You pulled away breathless, just gazing at Her for the longest time. SHE gaped at you in return. Both of you were breathing hard.

Anxiety rose in you as your stomach bubbled over with acid and sugar from the big jug of lemonade you rashly chugged. Maybe you should have asked first instead of just shooting your shot.

Shaking, you leaned in again, mindful to give Her ample time to move away. SHE remained frozen in place like a deer caught in headlights, still staring at you with those big doe eyes. You pressed two more chaste kisses to Her mouth, one to Her upper lip and one to Her lower lip.

SHE let out a little giggle in response, and suddenly you were laughing too, laughing the butterflies right out of your stomach. You couldn't help yourself. HER mirth was contagious.

SHE turned Her head away before you could lean in a third time. It was probably for the best. Otherwise the two of you would be here all night, exchanging kisses like pen pals did letters. SHE was staring at Her knees, blush apparent on Her cheeks. You hoped that was a good sign.

It was in that moment, just looking at Her, that you realized you were in love. You were in love with your best friend.

You had never been in love before... Not really. All the boys you loved before Her felt like tests you knew you were going to fail before the teacher even passed them out, like a crappy first job, like friends turned to foes.

You didn't dare voice this realization, however. Things were moving so fast that you were starting to feel dizzy, like you'd spent the last few minutes spinning in circles.

It was too soon. You'd only known Her a few months, since She transferred to your high school, and you only just now realized your true feelings. You didn't want to overwhelm Her, especially not when you were feeling overwhelmed yourself.

Summer stretched out in front of you, both so short and seemingly endless in your youth. You would spend every day wooing Her.

You would gather Her bouquets of wildflowers. You would learn to play the guitar just so you could serenade Her. You would spend every penny you had to your name on gifts and dates. You would do everything you could to show Her your love...

That way, when you finally voiced those three little words, She would know in Her heart of hearts they were true.

"Do you want to ride the carousel next?" You asked, your voice husky like you hadn't used it in ages. Feeling the blood suddenly rush to your face, you hastily cleared your throat.

SHE nodded sheepishly. You stood up first, wiping your sweaty palm off on your pants leg before offering Her your hand. After a moment of hesitation, She took it.

Electricity buzzed through your body, starting at that one point of contact and fizzing out at the tips of your toes. It was a wonder your hair wasn't standing on end like you had just touched a Van de Graaff generator.

You grinned at each other like conspirators and giggled, high on life and young love.

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