An Eye for An Eye

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You turned back towards Poppy, and that's when Dinah stabbed Poppy in the eye with her scissors.

It felt like it happened both in slow-motion and all at once. You couldn't do anything to stop it, anything to prevent it from happening in the first place. You were just forced to watch.

Watch as the scissors cut her pupil in twain, watch as her eyeball popped like a water balloon, watch as blood poured from the empty socket...

The sight would haunt your nightmares for years to come. You might never fully recover.

You staggered backwards with a shriek. Above that, you could hear Poppy screaming. Loud at first before trailing off, as if she had fallen off a cliff. She only stood there a few seconds, trembling, before her knees gave out and she fell to the floor like a sack of potatoes.

Dead or just unconscious? You didn't know which.

Her fall set off the rest of the room, however. You didn't know who else noticed first, but suddenly one scream of horror rang out after another, like a series of bells.

Camp counselors suddenly swarmed the area while campers either rushed to the exits or stood stock still in terror. One counselor pulled you away, another went to check Poppy's pulse, while the others grappled with Dinah.

She may have been little, but she was fierce. Howling, she threw off the first counselor to try to grab her before darting away. Eventually they cornered her like a wild animal. Three of them wrestled her to the ground, holding her face down with her arms behind her back.

"Are you okay?" The camp counselor holding you asked, over and over again like a broken record. "Are you okay? Are you okay?"

"No, I'm not okay!" You screamed at the top of your lungs before breaking out into sobs. You didn't take your eyes off your new friend's prone form until the counselor forcibly grabbed your head and turned it away. You wrapped your arms around her neck and cried wetly into the slope of her shoulder.

"She's still alive. You, go get Nurse Thorne. The rest of you, get the remaining camper out of here. Everyone stays in their cabins until Nurse Thorne says otherwise," you heard someone say behind you.

You began struggling to get away, but arms clinched around you like a handcuff. "I can't leave her!"

You were supposed to be friends. Friends didn't abandon each other in their hour of need. And Poppy needed you.

"It's going to be alright," she told you as she alternated between carrying and dragging you to the nearest exit. When you wouldn't stop fighting her, she said to another counselor, "Could you please get me a shot of Haldol?"

A shot? Haldol? What was that for? That's when you felt a hard pinch on your left bum cheek. Seconds later, you turned into a dead weight.


You woke up on your cot in Temperance. You were laying on your back, fully dressed, right down to your ballet flats. You sat up slowly, holding your head. You felt unexpectedly groggy. What the fuck happened? Did the trauma cause you to pass out?

You looked up to see Elizabeth, Chaeyoung, and Louise staring you down. Louise and Chaeyoung were laying on their beds. Elizabeth was standing in front of the door like a sentinel.

Seeing them startled you. How long had they been like that?

"Welcome to the waking world, sleeping beauty," Chaeyoung joked, throwing a pillow down at you from her top bunk. You weren't awake enough to catch it. Instead, it hit you in the face before falling to the floor. And God only knew what else had been on that floor.

"Chaeyoung, shut it," Elizabeth snapped before walking over to the edge of your bed and crouching down so the two of you were eye-to-eye. "What happened, Y/N?"

"I... I don't know," you said, tears already welling up and lower lip trembling.

"You're her buddy. You're supposed to know," she hissed with a scowl. This was the most emotion you'd ever seen on her face. She was furious.

Yeah, you were her buddy, not her keeper! You just met her today. How were you supposed to know what went on in her brain?

"Why are you yelling at me?" You whimpered before the waterworks really started up.

For the longest time, the only sound in the room was that of you hiccupping, sniffling, and sobbing. No one said a word.

Eventually, Elizabeth must have realized she wasn't going to get anything out of you while you were still in hysterics. She massaged her furrowed brow and sighed, then stood to her full height again.

"We're having dinner in our cabins tonight. The Ark still needs to be... To be cleaned. I'll be right back with your food," she said before walking out of the cabin. The screen door slammed shut behind her.

There was a beat or two of silence before Louise said, "Go ahead and get it all out, Y/N. We won't judge you for crying."

So you turned towards the wall and just lost yourself to grief. It was only your first day of camp and you were already traumatized. All you wanted to do was go home.

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