Great and Terrible

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Confirmation wasn't easy. Well, to be fair, you didn't expect it to be very easy, but you also didn't expect it to be as difficult as it was.

There were so many questions, though. You thought you would be asked if you believed in God, to which you would answer yes --you know, like a liar-- and that would be the end of it. But no.

"What is Confirmation?" Nurse Thorne quizzed you, as she was warrant to do every pastoral counseling meeting now.

"Uhhh... A religious rite of passage."

"Not exactly. I'll give you a hint. It's a sacrament."

"Oh! Yeah! I knew that!"

"M'hm. It's a sacrament by which..."

"I confirm... That I... Love Jesus?"


You were half-convinced that Nurse Thorne was just grilling you to give you a hard time, to make this process harder than it needed to be. While initially thrilled that you decided to take a step closer to joining the Church, it was obvious that she doubted whether or not you were putting your whole heart into it.

That didn't stop her from being unbearably smug, however. It made you want to punch her in the face. That would mean spending the night in Confessional rather than in your lover's arms though.

Rosasharon was the most excited about your Confirmation, helping you study and prepare almost every second of every day.

There was a storm brewing on the horizon, though, both figuratively and literally.

You see, Camp Bethel was a small camp. You still saw the Temperate at service as well as during activities and meals. You couldn't exactly avoid them. You could ignore them, however.

You wished they paid you the same courtesy... Instead, you found them staring at you at all times. Elizabeth's gaze bore into you like a drill, Chaeyoung glared daggers, and Louise always looked a moment away from bursting into tears. You quickly became accustomed to the feeling of being watched, as eerie as that was.

They obviously wanted to talk to you, but they kept their distance. They never got within more than a few feet of you. Fear of being sent to Confessional kept them away for about two weeks.

Just as you were convinced you would be safe for the rest of your time at camp, Elizabeth cornered you in the bathroom.

"We need to talk, and fast, before Rosasharon or one of her worshipers notice both of us are gone and come to investigate," she said quickly.

She was standing between you and the only exit. You didn't dare approach such a dangerous and desperate individual, just awaited rescue.

"You can talk all you want, but that doesn't mean I have to listen or answer," you told her in kind, tone dry and chilling, like a midnight desert.

She took a threatening step forward. You retreated until you hit a wall. Good job, Y/N. You'd essentially backed yourself up into a corner.

"You'll do both if you know what's good for you," she growled, eyes flashing like a wolf on the hunt.

"Take one step closer and I'll scream," you warned her in turn. "Rosasharon told me everything, about how dangerous you are, about what you did to Jezebel."

"Rosasharon finds everyone who doesn't conform to her image of the good Christian girl dangerous. Just like my mother, just like the Church, just like the rest of society for fuck's sake! And I didn't do anything to Jezebel."

You scoffed, scrunching up your nose at her. How dare she try and claim innocence! Rosasharon had removed the wool from your eyes. You wouldn't be fooled again. "You got her drunk and high and then sent her off into those wicked woods."

"Bullshit," Elizabeth spat. "I didn't think anything of it when the boys left not too long after Jezebel did, and neither did you. How could I have known?"

"Those boys were your friends!"

"No, they weren't! We were acquaintances at best. The only thing we have in common is that we chafe under all the camp's rules. A sentiment I thought you shared with me and the rest of the Temperate. But now you're playing the part of Rosasharon's little flower princess."

"I'm nothing like you or Dinah or Louise or Chaeyoung. I don't hurt people."

"Don't you dare drag Louise and Chaeyoung into this! They've done nothing wrong!"

"Like hell! They're the ones who sent Salome and Delilah to the hospital!"

That gave Elizabeth pause. "What proof do you have?" She asked in a low voice.

Another scoff. "If I had any proof, I would have brought it to Nurse Thorne already."

"So what makes you think it was them?"

"Rosasharon told me--"

"Rosasharon told you," she said mockingly, not even letting you finish, "and you just believed her? Here I thought you were a freethinker, that you had a mind of your own. But no. You're a sheep, just like the rest of them."

You snarled at her. Your anger was asphyxiating you, preventing you from biting back any witty retort.

"You want to know what I think?" Elizabeth ignored you shaking your head. "I think it was Rosasharon. She wanted you from the beginning, and --one way or another-- she always gets what she wants. Usually the world hands it to her on a silver platter, but I know from personal experience that she's not afraid of getting her hands dirty."

"Enough," you managed to choke out.

"She makes you feel special, doesn't she? But she doesn't really care about you as a person. She cares about you as a project."

"That's enough!"

"Before you, it was Louise. She tried to mold her like wet clay. But once she dried into a shape that Rosasharon didn't like, she abandoned her. Just like she'll abandon you!"

"I said, enough!" You screamed.

"You know I'm right!" Elizabeth roared.

"Y/N's right, Elizabeth," a voice spoke from somewhere behind her. You peered around your ex-counselor to see your current counselor standing in the doorway of the bathroom. Rosasharon looked calm, collected, but cold, with her perfect posture and her arms folded behind her back. "That's enough. Now step aside."

Surprisingly, the girl did as she was told, giving you just enough space that you could sneak by her and scurry behind Rosasharon.

"Are you hurt?" She asked you, giving you a worried once-over.

"Why should I make her pay for the sins which are yours?" Elizabeth hissed like a tread-upon rattlesnake.

The two of you ignored her. You shook your head.

"Can we please just go back to the Ark?"

"Of course, lamb," Rosasharon cooed, cupping your face in her hands. You didn't realize you'd been crying until she wiped your tears away with her thumbs. Before you left, she turned back to Elizabeth. "Don't think you're off the hook. Your mother will be hearing about this."

And, with that, she led you out of the bathroom and back to the safety of the group.

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