Put Your Head on My Shoulder

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The next activity of the day was dancing. You were excited, at least at first. How could they make dancing Disneyfied or Jesus-centric? It was time to bust a move, for everyone to show off what they learned from TikTok before their phones were confiscated.

Then one of the counselors pressed a button on the camp's big boombox and Paul Anka's Put Your Head On My Shoulder started to play and you realized... They meant ballroom dancing. You didn't even bother to hide your scowl.

Girls started to pair up and slow dance while you stood on the sidelines with your cabinmates like a wallflower. You didn't realize your mistake until Elizabeth walked up and bluntly asked, "Why aren't you dancing?"

You were startled into silence at first. She moved around as swiftly and quietly as a cat. You really should put a bell on her. "You scared me," you told her.

She didn't apologize, just repeated her question. "Why aren't you dancing?" It made you wonder if her mother ever taught her manners or just Jesus.

"Chaeyoung and Louise aren't dancing either! Why am I being singled out?" You were whining at this point, but you felt like you had a right to whine.

"Louise has no sense of rhythm and I intentionally step on people's feet," Chaeyoung explained, as honest and as chipper as can be. Louise sheepishly nodded along.

Elizabeth stood in front of you with her arms crossed and one eyebrow raised. You weren't getting out of this that easily.

Finally, you sighed and shrugged. "I don't know how to dance..."

She blinked at you in disbelief. "It's a simple waltz! Barely even that."

Now it was your turn to cross your arms in annoyance. "Yeah, well, I've never needed to know how to waltz and I've never cared enough to learn." Unlike the WAP Dance. You still couldn't do the splits, but you had the rest of it down pat. You were pretty sure Nurse Thorne would call an exorcist if she saw you perform that, though.

Elizabeth took your hand and pulled you to an open spot on the dancefloor. "I'll teach you how."

You desperately wanted out of this situation, but there was no escape in sight. "You... You don't have to!"

"Nonsense. Every girl, even a Temperate one, should know how to waltz." She sounded just like her mother. "I'll lead. You just follow along."

You were going to die. You could barely breathe with her so close. It seemed that the, "Leave room for Jesus," rule was only in place if you were dancing with a member of a different gender.

She guided your left hand to her upper arm before placing her right hand on your shoulder blade. Then she clasped your right hand in her left. Once everyone's hands were where they were supposed to be, she moved on to feet.

"I'm going to step forward with my left foot, so you step back with your right foot."


"Y/N, that's your left foot."

"... I may have gotten mixed up already."

She sighed before reiterating, "Step back with your right foot... Good. Now take your left foot and step sideways to the left."


"Left foot step sideways to the left."

After five songs worth of practice, you had most of the steps for the follower memorized. Elizabeth was a strict taskmaster, however, and refused to let you stop until you were perfect.

That was, until a girl approached the two of you at the end of a song and politely said, "Hello, may I have the next dance?" It looked like she was holding out her hand to you, not your camp counselor.

She was so gorgeous that she could have been a model. Her bone structure was just phenomenal. Her russet-colored skin was practically glowing. She had luscious dark brown hair styled into two long pigtails. Her eyes were like pitch black pools disguising unseen depths. She wore a lot of jewelry, and every piece she wore was a statement piece, from her feather earrings to her beaded Turquoise choker.

You gaped at her, opened and closed your mouth like a fish. Elizabeth looked at you expectantly. Did she want you to accept or decline, though? You guess her opinion didn't really matter. The girl wasn't asking her to dance, after all. She was asking you.

"Um, yeah! I mean, if you'll have me. I'm a bit of a beginner."

"That's fine," she said with a calming smile. She took your hand and led you a little ways away from your previous partner before assuming the position of lead. You were so focused on your steps that you almost didn't notice when she leaned in close. "Are you okay? You looked uncomfortable, so I thought I better step in."

You blinked at her, startled, before letting out a little laugh. "Yeah, I'm fine. My camp counselor was just teaching me how to waltz. I appreciate the assist, though. I'm Y/N. What's your name?"

"Jezebel. Pleased to meet you!"

One dance blended into another as you and Jezebel got to talking. You were so caught up in the conversation that you didn't even realize when you stopped paying attention to your steps and started to just sway from side to side while holding each other.

You learned a lot about her in a small amount of time. This was her third year at Camp Bethel, as well as her third year in Faith. Her father started signing her up each year after he converted to Christianity. For him, conversion was a necessary step he had to take in order to marry her now step-mother. For her, it was a bunch of malarkey.

"Why do I have to believe exactly what he believes? Why can't I have my own thoughts and opinions?" She complained, the hand in yours clenching tightly. At a loss for what to say, you made sympathetic noises at her.

"At least your camp counselor seems nice! Mine is just now starting to warm up to me," you told her, glancing across the room where Elizabeth was standing with Louise and Chaeyoung. She was watching you like a hawk.

"Rosasharon? She's something alright. She's... A lot."

"What do you mean by that?"

She took her hand off your shoulder blade to awkwardly scratch the back of her head. "I don't want to be mean... She's been through a lot in her short life. But I can only take so many trust exercises and hymns around the bonfire before I go absolutely apeshit."

"Jezebel! We don't use words like that here," one of the camp counselors scolded from the sidelines.

"Looks like I just did, fuckface!" She crowed back quite cheekily.

"Jezebel..." The counselor said through gritted teeth. "That's strike number two."

Jezebel huffed before leaning in to whisper in your ear. "Oooh! If I hadn't already been in Confessional once this week, I would give her the finger." You stifled your laughter to the best of your abilities.

She was a fun girl, your new friend. So was Poppy, though. And Salome. And Delilah. You needed to guard your heart, not get too close this time, so you wouldn't be hurt --at least not badly hurt-- if anything bad happened to her.

Soon activity time came to an end. After the last song, you took a step back and curseyed, like a real lady. The room felt colder when you left her embrace. You had to suppress a shiver. "Thank you for dancing with me! See you around, okay?"

She gave you a dramatic bow in return. "See ya! Wouldn't wanna be ya!" With a little wave, she made her way back to the Faithful while you returned to the Temperate.

"Did you enjoy dancing with your new little friend?" Elizabeth asked as you approached. Her tone suggested you had done something wrong, but you couldn't think of anything you had done to displease her. So you just nodded sheepishly. She gave you a slow smile in return. "Good! Why don't you invite her over for a sleepover?"

You blinked at her, startled. "Is that allowed?"

"Why wouldn't it be? We have an open bed and it would be unlike Rosasharon to say no."

"Oh... Okay! Yeah! I'll go ask her!"

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