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You predicted Louise would spend all of dinner sulking. You thought you would have to poke and prod the shit out of her to get a modicum of a positive response.

Which was a shame... She was your only friend in Temperance. Dinah was gone and Chaeyoung was kind of scary. You couldn't even bond with your camp counselor like other campers! Elizabeth might as well live on the sun with how unapproachable she was.

Unexpectedly, though, she was as chipper as could be, laughing and chatting with you like you were old friends and not new acquaintances. Your only complaint was that she would repeatedly coax you to pose for her tonight, even after you said yes the first ten times. You had no idea why she was so insistent.

"Do you want me in my pajamas or the usual uniform?" You asked once the three of you returned to the cabin.

There were a few hours after dinner and before lights out. This time was meant for prayer, but the campers spent it in a variety of ways. You heard some talking and telling stories. You saw some turn out the lights and go to bed right after dinner, considering how early mass was.

Personally, you smuggled out a small rubber ball during some activity or another, and you spent hours throwing it at the wall, catching it, and throwing it again. All the while, the rosary and prayer book Elizabeth gave you gathered dust.

"How you're dressed now is fine- Actually! Do you mind putting on an extra petticoat? It would make your skirt fuller," Louise said as she pulled out the few drawing supplies she had stolen from the storeroom and arranged them on her cot.

You were fluffing up your second petticoat when you heard a huge ruckus outside. A loud buzzing, like that of a loose wire, and a chorus of girls screaming. You immediately ran to the door.

In a flash, Louise bodily blocked your way. "Y/N, you promised!"

"Yeah, and I'll make good on that promise as soon as I see what's going on," you said before ducking under her arm and out the door.

You really wished you had listened to her and stayed inside Temperance. What you saw would only give you nightmares and a lifelong fear of bees.

Girls were pouring out of a neighboring cabin, shrieking and wildly flailing their arms around as they were accosted by flying insects. The last girl out the door had it the worst. You could barely make out her face through the swarm. Once you looked past the swelling and the wasps, however, you saw it was Salome.

Camp counselors arrived at the scene but seemed at a loss of what to do. Everyone watched as she ran around like a chicken with its head cut off for a solid minute before collapsing on the ground.

You knew, even in that moment, that the sounds would haunt you the most... There was tortured wails and sobbing, more noise than she had made in all the time you knew her. Then she became silent as the grave.

The possibility that she could very well be dead scared you out of stupor and you lurched forward, only to be caught by one of the camp counselors.

"Let go! I need to help her!"

"Leave it to the professionals. You can help by returning to your cabin," she told you sternly. You watched helplessly as "the professionals" tentatively crept closer to your fallen friend, only to be warded off by a few stings.

"Someone call Nurse Thorne," someone said right before Elizabeth came to collect you.


"What happened?" You asked Elizabeth later. She'd left shortly after dragging you back to Temperance. You'd tried to leave, but she locked the door behind her. Obviously she wanted to keep all her chicks herded into a safe corner.

The most you could do was look out the window, watch as paramedics arrived and loaded someone into the ambulance. Salome, obviously. But as a corpse or a patient?

"Lights out," she said, flicking off the light switch and closing the door in your face again. You tried yanking the door open but found it locked once more.

Your jaw clenched. So that's how she wanted to play. You did the only thing you could do. You turned the lights back on.

Less than a minute later, the door opened again. "Lights. Out." She repeated through gritted teeth, turning them off once more.

"What. Happened." You demanded.

"Go to sleep," she answered before closing the door again.

Off. On.

"Do that again and you'll be spending the night in Confessional," she warned midswing of the door.

"Elizabeth, don't-" Louise begged on your behalf.

That's when you got all up into Elizabeth's space, grabbed her by the collar and pulled her down to your level. "Listen to me, you fucking bitch! Salome was my friend and I'm not going to let you sleep until you tell me what happened to her!"

She didn't look impressed. She just casually pried your fingers off her uniform and straightened to her full height again. "Knowing won't make you feel better."

"Try me."

She sniffed once before sighing, "Fine. If it'll get you in bed without any more of a fuss... The working theory is that this was a prank gone wrong. Someone snuck into Hope and hid a hornet's nest under Salome's pillow. She collapsed into bed and smashed the hive beneath her head. The hornets swarmed her and the rest of the Hopeful. Salome is being taken to the hospital now."

"Is she going to be okay?" You asked.

She narrowed her eyes. "I told you all I know. Bed. Now."

Then the room plunged into darkness for the last time.

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