Psychically or Psychosis

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That night you found yourself watching Louise closely, worrying over her.

You weren't the only one, either. The moment the two of you stepped into The Ark, Elizabeth had zeroed in on Louise's injuries. Her expression didn't change, but the look in her eyes was dark and cold and oozed an emotion you couldn't quite place. "Who."

Louise kept her gaze locked on the floorboard at her feet. "What?"

"Who." Your camp counselor repeated as calmly as possible while her eyes remained hard and focused.

"It doesn't matter," she argued, voice firm and unyielding even though she still couldn't meet the other girl's stare. "It happened, and I will not be pitied by anyone. Especially you." You could tell she didn't mean the insult, even as she threw it out. She just wanted her to stop asking questions.

And she did. Elizabeth sniffed once, narrowed her eyes ever so slightly, and said, "I see. Fine. I'll find out for myself."

"No. Just let it go," Louise said, reaching out to grab a fistful of the older girl's skirt. "Please... Please? For me."

Elizabeth pointedly made no promises, just gathered her young charge up in her arms and hugged her tightly.

You rubbed your arm awkwardly, fantasized what it would be like to be embraced by a girl like her. When was the last time someone had given you a gentle touch? It was depressing just to think about.

You wished Camp Bethel had a real medical professional on site and not that quack doctor Nurse Thorne. Then you'd suggest Louise had her bruises looked at.

No matter what she thought about herself, you could tell deep down she was a kind human being. She had been nothing but nice to you. She looked out for you more than anyone else had, even though it wasn't her job to do so and she had nothing to gain from it.

The rest of the day passed without incident. Before you knew it, you were under the covers and Elizabeth was calling lights out before she left for her own personal cabin.

You thought that was the end of the day, but you were wrong.

From the opposite side of the room, you heard Chaeyoung whisper, "Pssst! You guys awake?"

"No. Now go to sleep," Louise muttered.

"Liar! Get up and come sit with me on the floor. It's scary story time, bitches!" The frame of the bunk bed creaked and groaned as Chaeyoung climbed down from her cot.

From the rustling of linens and the muffling of her voice, you guessed Louise pulled her blanket up over her head. "Chaeyoung, I've had a hard day. I don't want to do this right now."

"Maybe tomorrow," you suggested.

Chaeyoung wasn't having it, however. "Wouldn't you rather her know before you have one of your little freak-outs?"

Know what? You wondered but didn't give voice to your curiosity. You wanted to give Louise an out if she wanted it.

The old bed frame protested again as Louise left her bed to join Chaeyoung in the middle of the cabin. "C'mon, get up." You peeled back your blanket and swung your legs out of bed before crawling towards the blurry, dark silhouettes of Chaeyoung and Louise. "Y/N, there's something you need to know about Camp Bethel..."

"I'm all ears."

"Camp Bethel's haunted."

"Haunted?" You asked skeptically. "Like, by real, live ghosts?"

"Typically by real dead ghosts," Chaeyoung interjected sarcastically. You could practically hear her sneer.

"Shut up, Chaeyoung!" Louise hissed. "Something bad happened here in the 80's."

Bad things were happening here today. You wouldn't be surprised if bad things started happening here the same day the campgrounds were first put to use. Still, you were curious what she meant. "What happened?"

"A satanic cult took the camp hostage. They lined up the director and all the camp counselors and mowed them down with submachine guns. The campers did whatever they were told in hopes of surviving, even as their friends started to be killed off.

"The cult was sadistic. They performed a number of ceremonies to honor and curry favor with their Dark Lord, all ending in carnage. Some girls were drowned in the lake, others they burnt alive in their cabins... The worst were the ones stabbed, skinned, and dismembered. The cult members would roast the flayed flesh over a bonfire and force the remaining campers to eat it."

"Enough," you said. Your dinner was rolling around in your stomach like a marble. You didn't want to puke, but you might if she continued. "Did any of the girls survive?" Someone must have, for the story to have been told.

"Just one. She ran off into the woods one night. The cult didn't bother going after her, figured she'd die in the wilderness. She didn't. She hiked for miles until she found a road. Eventually a truck happened by and picked her up, drove her to safety. She returned to Camp Bethel with help, but the place had been cleared out by then. Nothing left but the bodies. The cultists moved on once they ran out of girls to kill."

You wish you had your phone or computer so you could look up this incident, see if it really occurred, but you didn't. You just had to trust Chaeyoung and Louise.

"What's there to stop something like that from happening today?" You murmured, the darkness now feeling claustrophobic.

Camp Bethel was still very much set in its ways, after all. It was completely remote. The only phone and vehicle on the premises belonged to the camp director. Without those, campers had no connections to the outside world.

No one would check on them for months. Parents dropped off their kids here at the beginning of June with no intention of seeing or hearing from them until pick up at the end of August.

"It's best not to dwell on things like that," Louise said, shaking her head hard enough to make her afro bounce.

"Why are you telling me this?" Just to scare you? Was this some kind of hazing ritual? Was Elizabeth going to show up in one of the window and yell boo?

She was silent for a long time. In the end, Chaeyoung had to answer for her. "She can see them," she said at last. "She can see dead people."

"Is that really true?"

"Yes," Louise whispered, sounding all choked up. "I see them everywhere here. It's one of the main reasons I hate this place. I try my best to act like I'm normal, like I don't see them, but sometimes- sometimes..." She suddenly dissolved into tears. "You must think I'm some kind of freak!"

"I don't think you're a freak," you said. Then you crawled over and held her as she softly cried. She stiffened in your arms at first before melting into the embrace, sobs still wracking her frame.

You still weren't certain whether she was a victim of psychically or psychosis, but she was still a good person. You would do everything you could in order to support and protect her.

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