Clean Your Pipes

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To say lunch was a disaster would be a massive understatement.

You wanted Delilah to come sit at the Temperance table so everyone could be buddy-buddy, but Louise and Chaeyoung took that idea out behind the barn and shot it. Whereas they were normally talkative and animated, they turned silent and still-faced as Elizabeth in Delilah's presence.

You tried every conversation starter that came to mind, but it was all for naught. It was as if a sheet of glass separated you. Eventually you just gave up and talked to Delilah for the rest of lunch time.

"What are you drinking?" You asked, suspiciously eying the tall glass of frothy green liquid to the left of her plate.

"Oh, it's celery juice!"

You hummed a little before playfully exclaiming, "Gross!"

"I know, I know," she sighed. "My mom makes me drink the stuff. It's supposed to help my skin or my digestion or something?"

You didn't think that was backed by science, but you also weren't sure it wasn't backed by science, so you didn't comment on it. "I get why you started drinking it, but why do you keep drinking it? Your mom's not here."

"It's a force of habit now. I have it with every meal. I don't even taste it anymore. I just throw it back like a shot." Her eyes widened as she realized what she just said. "Not that I've ever taken a shot before! I've only ever had alcohol at communion!"

"It's fine, Delilah. I get it," you laughed, reaching over to rub soothing circles in between her shoulder blades. She tensed under your touch at first, leading you to believe you'd done something wrong, before going boneless.

Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Chaeyoung's face contort into a snarl and Louise's brow furrow. It was clear they didn't like Delilah, but why? Because she wasn't "one of us," wasn't a Temperate girl? It made you wonder if some of their isolation wasn't self-inflicted.

You could lead a horse to water but you couldn't make it drink. There was no forcing friendship. Guess you just had to divide your time evenly between your friends.

Having spent the first activity of the day with Delilah, you tried to spend the second with Chaeyoung. For as clingy as she was before, she was completely uninterested now.

"I'm working in the kitchen today," she said curtly on her way to Temperance to grab her apron. "And, before you ask, no, you can't come."

Seeing she was obviously in a bad mood, you didn't push her on the subject anymore. Instead, you sauntered over to Delilah instead. It was reading and writing time. Most girls were journaling. Camp Bethel's small library consisted almost entirely of bibles and Christian self-help books. Delilah must have found something she liked, because she was a little ways into a novel.

"Whatcha reading?" You asked before sitting down next to her.

She looked over at you, surprised. You couldn't blame her. You did say you were going to be hanging out with Chaeyoung this activity period. "Oh... Uninvited: Living Loved When You Feel Less Than, Left Out, and Lonely."

"That sounds sad," you said without thinking.

"It's not sad!" She sounded quite defensive of her book. Maybe you shouldn't have been so dismissive. "It's empowering!"

"I'm sorry... I was just playing around. What's it about?"

Delilah turned the book over in her hands and read the back aloud. "In Uninvited, Lysa shares her own deeply personal experiences of rejection from the perceived judgment of the perfectly toned woman one elliptical over to the incredibly painful childhood abandonment by her father. She leans in to honestly examine the roots of rejection, as well as rejection's ability to poison relationships from the inside out, including our relationship with God."

Still sounded sad to you. You didn't dare repeat that sentiment, however. Instead you put your crossed arms on the table and laid your head down on them. "Read to me?"


"Pretty please?"

She was silent for a long time. You thought she had gone back to quietly reading without you, when she finally sighed and said, "My whole life I've searched for a love to satisfy the deepest longings within me to be known, treasured, and wholly accepted. When You created me, Lord, Your very first thought of me made Your heart explode with a love that set You in pursuit of me.

"YOUR love for me was so great that You, the God of the whole universe, went on a personal quest to woo me, adore me, and finally grab hold of me with the whisper, 'I will never let you go.'"

With the reassuring hum of her voice in your ear, you drifted off to sleep.


You woke some time later to someone gently shaking your shoulder and whispering to you, "Y/N? Y/N, wake up! It's time for dinner." You opened your eyes to see it was Delilah.

"Dinner time?" You yawned, knuckling your eyes as you sat up.

"Yeah, are you still sitting with me?"

"Of course! I promised, didn't I? I'm sorry my cabinmates weren't more welcoming. They'll warm up to you in time." They wouldn't have much of a choice. You and Delilah were friends 'til the end.

She gave you a sad little smile. "It's okay, Y/N. I'm no stranger to rejection." That made your heart ache. You understood her perfectly. You'd been rejected by your own parents. That's how you ended up here. Although, some good came of it. You got to meet her.

Not a lot of girls were in The Ark when the two of you entered, but food was already being served. The camp counselors manning the kitchen that day made her celery juice before you arrived, so you could just grab your grub and go.

The recreation center had started to fill up by the time you were out of line. Her camp counselor was already at the Fortitude table, counting campers as they sat down. While you waited for the rest of the Fortuitous to finish getting their food, you looked to the Temperance table.

Chaeyoung was surveying you like a lion from across the Serengeti. She didn't wave back when you waved at her, just kept staring. Weird.

Soon enough, all the Fortuitous were at the table and the counselor said grace. Finally you could dig in.

You were seeing how much spaghetti you could get on your fork at one time when Delilah took her first sip of celery juice. Her expression immediately contorted to one of panic. You laughed at first, thinking she was just earlier bluffing about not noticing the awful taste.

Then she spat it out back into her glass. The pale green liquid was tinged with red. You stopped laughing.

"Delilah?" Her camp counselor said as you just reeled with shock.

"Something's wrong," she whimpered. "Something's wrong with the juice."

Then she went into a coughing fit. A fine red mist came out at first, but at the end she spat out huge clots of blood onto her plate.

The counselor quickly helped Delilah up and towards the exit. "Okay, we need to get you to Nurse Thorne. She'll know what to do."

You rose from your seat as well. "I'll come too!"

But you were immediately shot down. "No, you stay and make sure no one else drinks the celery juice."

You couldn't argue with her logic. You went table to table, checking everyone's drinks, confirming what you already knew. No one else besides Delilah ordered celery juice.

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