Boost Over Heaven's Gate

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After the sweat dried and the sheets cooled, you had no clue what to do with yourself. You'd just had sex at Bible camp, with your deeply religious camp counselor. Your deeply religious camp counselor who, despite having just committed a mortal sin, didn't seem to be feeling that guilty.

She was currently wrapped around your frame, humming a tune you half-recognized from your mother's favorite Christian radio station. Occasionally, she would press a butterfly kiss to the bruise on your shoulder, where she'd bit down like a vicious animal when she came.

It was pretty obvious that you were feeling worse about the act than she was. You refused to look at her, found your eyes locked on the wooden crucifix hanging above the desk on the opposite side of the cabin. The withered, tortured form of Jesus had his gaze lowered, like he was deeply ashamed of you.

"Penny for your thoughts?" Rosasharon whispered, nipping the nape of your neck to get your attention.

"What happens now?" You asked. "Are you going to run and tell Nurse Thorne that I tempted you into sin?" She'd find some way to blame this on you, of that you were certain.

One thing that always pissed you off about your mother and people like her was that nothing was ever their fault. They always blamed their failings on someone or something else. And, when that failed, they blamed the devil, the ultimate scapegoat.

"Why would I do that? What we've done is a sacred act."

"What we've done is a sin."

"Love isn't a sin," Rosasharon said, her tone leaving no room for argument. Then, in a rush of excitement, "I knew you were special, from the minute I laid eyes on you. I knew you would love me in the way I always wanted to be loved."

You didn't know what to say to that, so you asked again, "What happens now?"

"You'll join the Church. You'll be baptized and Confirmed."

"I don't want to join the Church. That's, like, the opposite of what I want. The Church hates me." It hated the both of you, really. If she was a lesbian, the same as you, then you didn't know how she could devote so much of her being to an institution that despised her just for existing.

"This isn't about the Church, this is about your relationship with God." Before you could quiz her on what the difference was, she asked, "Do you love me?"

Your pause was a long and thoughtful one.

Was what you were feeling love? She had some sort of magic to her. Cult leader levels of charisma, maybe. No matter how hard you tried to distance yourself, she kept pulling you back to her like a magnet. You were young, you didn't know what you were feeling or what exactly you wanted...

But, if Rosashron was on offer, why wouldn't you take her?



"Yes," you repeated, with more confidence this time, "I love you."

She pressed a wet, open-mouthed kiss to the side of your neck. It tickled a little. You had a feeling she wanted to do more but didn't dare leave any marks where they couldn't be covered by your uniform.

"I love you too. We're soulmates, you and I. I want you, now and forever. But the only way I can sneak you into heaven is if you open your heart to God, just a little." Good luck. To anything holy, your heart was a locked door.

Reading your soured attitude, she pleaded, "Give me something to work with when the two of us are standing, holding hands, in front of Saint Peter."

After another beat of silence, you finally muttered, "Okay..."

How hard could getting Confirmed really be?

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