Born Sick

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word of warning! possibly the only one I'll give you. I dunno yet. this will be a VERY dark work. in this story, I will be exploring religion, homophobia, maybe a bit of sexism, in addition to violence and toxic relationships. if any of these topics turn you off, then this book isn't for you.


You thought about that kiss every day for a week afterwards. You would even close your eyes and press your fingertips to your lips to relive it to the best of your abilities, wondering all the while if She did the same in every private moment.

Your mom caught you doing this once when she was driving and immediately pulled your arm down so it was back in your lap.

"Stop biting your nails," she snapped.

"I wasn't," you protested.

"Then stop picking at your lips."

"I wasn't!"

"Just don't touch your face! It's unsanitary!"

Whereas you were flying high, she had been down in the dumps since last Sunday.

She was just hunky-dory when she left for church early that morning. She woke you up with a kiss at the crack of dawn and asked you if you wanted to go, like always, despite the fact you hadn't agreed to go since she started giving you a choice.

You went back to sleep but awoke again later to her slamming the front door shut. You remembered dragging yourself out of bed and asking her if something happened, but she just said she didn't want to talk about it. She didn't even look at you, simply shut herself up inside her room.

You didn't see much of her for almost a week. She had work, you had school. You weren't a child... You could take care of yourself. But she would usually at least make an effort to spend time with you in the evenings, even on nights she decided not to cook dinner. Now it seemed she couldn't be bothered.

Until today, the first day of the weekend. As soon as you woke up that afternoon, she was there waiting for you in the kitchen, coffee in hand. "We're going shopping," she said. No ifs, ands, or buts about it.

Which brought you back to this exact moment, driving down the freeway in silence, all your attempts to make conversation thwarted. Even something as simple as you touching your face was enough to set her off.

Still, you did your best not to provoke her, just waited for the foul mood to pass or for its cause to present itself.

To your surprise, the car swerved into a little brick and mortar outlet rather than continuing to the mall less than a mile away. You looked at your mom, trying to read her intent from her expression, but she was stone-faced as a concrete angel. She simply parked the vehicle, turned the keys, and pressed her forehead to the steering wheel.

"Mom?" You asked, voice wavering. You sounded scared to your own ears. That was ridiculous, though. This was your mom! You had nothing to be afraid of.

It was so quiet that you could hear the cars passing by on the road outside. This silence continued for a long minute before she finally sighed and said, "We need to talk." Before you could say anything, she sat upright once more and turned to you suddenly. "Is there anything you want to tell me?"

You paused for a second, wracked your brain for anything you could have done to upset her, but came up empty-handed. "Um, no?"

"Nothing? Nothing at all?"

"Not that I can remember." That obviously wasn't what she wanted to hear, judging by the derisive snort she let out. Despite that, you continued, "Why are we here?"

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