No Bad People

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Toward the tail end of breakfast, you and Chaeyoung made a brief stop off at Temperance to grab your aprons before returning to The Ark.

"What are the two of you up to?" Louise asked, hands on her hips.

"I'm going to show Y/N what I do sometimes instead of activities," Chaeyoung answered with a wink. "Want to come with us?"

Louise wore a thoughtful expression for a minute before shaking her head. "No, I think I'll pass. The next activity is art, and I love art. I'll miss my favorite model, though. Be careful with her, Chaeyoung."

Be careful? That was some awfully weird wording. Were the two of you going to be doing something dangerous? All you could do was wait and see.

"You and Louise seem cordial," you commented once Louise was out of sight.

"I sure hope we do. This is our second summer together! She tries to be standoffish, but deep down she's lonely. Comes with the territory of being different."

You nodded along. That made sense. You wondered if that was the thread that connected everyone assigned to Temperance... That they were weird, not like the other girls at Camp Bethel. Whether that was a good or a bad thing remained to be seen, but you liked Louise, liked Dinah before the incident with Poppy, and found yourself starting to like Chaeyoung.

So you let her lead you behind The Ark and into a backroom.

"Welcooome to The Ark Kitchen!" She crowed as if she were a game show host. The impression was so good you half-expected her to tell you that you just won a new car next.

"Wow!" You'd never been in an industrial kitchen before. It was kind of cool to see where the sausage got made, where all the food served at camp came from.

"Cool, right? All the food you eat is made by counselors and the odd camper, like me. Whenever I get bored of an activity, I come here and lend a hand instead." She tied her the strings of her apron before assisting you with your own.

Once your pure white dresses were at least partially protected, she nodded towards the counter filled with bags, jars, and cans. "C'mon, help me make pizza for today's lunch! Feeding forty people is a tall order."

Chaeyoung assigned you the task of grating cheese while she took the messier job of making sauce from scratch. You watched as she combined tomato sauce, tomato paste, and a whole lot of seasonings before whisking the shit out of it. Droplets of sauce sprayed everywhere in a fine mist.

After an eternity of stirring, she was satisfied with the sauce and looked over to see how much cheese you had grated. "That's fine for now," she said. "We can always grate more while the dough rises. Time to work on the crust! Probably should have started there, but oh well..."

It turned out that the process for making pizza dough was very similar to making bread. You probably should have guessed that. Crust was just pizza bread.

In a big bowl, she combined flour, yeast, sugar, and salt with warm water and olive oil. Once all the ingredients were incorporated, she handed the ball of dough to you. "Here you go. Kneed it."

You didn't really know the proper technique for kneading, but you gave it your best shot. You loved the making of bread.

There was something about flour and water combining to form a silky whole. The yeast and gluten made it a living thing! It breathed in your hands. It moved when you poked it.

Your gentle pushing and pulling of the dough wasn't good enough for Chaeyoung, however. "You can be rougher with it, y'know! Here let me show you how it's done." She took the dough from you, threw it down on the counter, and proceeded to beat the crap out of it.

"Has anyone ever told you that you may have anger issues?" You asked, watching as the dough pitifully deflated in defeat the more she punched it.

"Only all the time. But come on, Y/N, aren't you angry? Your parents -instead of taking care of you, working through your problems with you- made you someone else's problem, abandoned you in this awful place. Doesn't it make your blood boil? Doesn't it make you see red?" It obviously made her angry.

"Of course it does," you said plainly. Anger washed over you in waves at seemingly random intervals. When it hit, though, it hit hard. It felt like madness was eating away at your insides like acid. "But there's nothing I can do to change that. I'm in survival mode."

She stopped beating up the dough and just leaned against the kitchen counter, wheezing like an angry horse. It took you a minute to realize she was mindfully breathing and counting to ten. Then she looked at you, looked at you for a long time. "I don't know what to make of you. You seem so normal, but you're in Temperance."

"I don't know what to tell you."

"You can tell me what you did to get into Temperance. I won't judge you. I couldn't even if I wanted to."

"I can't," you answered. Even attempted murderers could be homophobic. And what if she told others? A secret was only a secret when unspoken to another.

She didn't like that. She glared at you, her mouth a thin pink line. "You're not a good person. You know that, right? Good people don't end up here." You read her intention behind those words loud and clear. You're no better than me.

"I disagree. I don't think any of us are bad." You heard once that there were no good or bad people, just people making good or bad decisions. That always stuck with you for some reason.

Some of the tension in her eased. Her face relaxed and she blinked at you, baffled.

Finally, she turned away from you, back towards the kitchen counter. "Let's finish up here," she sighed.

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