The Good Shepherd

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Being one of the Faithful wasn't so bad.

Regardless of the number of trust exercises and icebreakers you participated in, the Faithful were still wary of you. And rightfully so. Five of the girls who tried to befriend you had been sent home after sustaining serious trauma. You would have thought twice before approaching such an unlucky girl too.

You weren't lonely, though. As she promised, Rosasharon was beside you every step of the way. The only time she wasn't stuck to your side like glue was when you were in the bathroom. She tried to follow you even there, but you quickly nipped that behavior in the bud.

You weren't a baby! You didn't need your hand held for every little thing.

But, if it could be done for you, she did it.

You appreciated some aspects of it, like always having someone to talk to during meals and activities, but resented others, such as being forced to sing hymns around a bonfire and say a prayer before everything, all while she took picture after picture of you on her Poloroid camera, acting like a proud parent.

Everything had its pros and cons, though.

The biggest con of all was that you were starting to really like the girl. Like, like-like her. She reminded you of Her in so many ways. She was beautiful, kind, charismatic... Your gaze was constantly drawn to her.

You watched her without even fully being aware of it. The only times it occurred to you what a creep you were being were when she caught you looking. She would always lock eyes with you and give you a slow smile. You wondered if she practiced that smile in the mirror. It showed the perfect amount of teeth.

Tonight was no different. You were bored out of your gourd during the time between dinner and lights out, bouncing a ball made of rubber bands off the wall, catching it, and throwing it again. The act required very little attention or focus. It was just something to do with your hands.

Meanwhile, Rosasharon knelt on her cot --the cabin floors were hell on bare knees-- and prayed the rosary aloud. Her chanting didn't bother you though. Her voice was barely a decibel above a whisper. You liked watching how her lips pursed around the words.

She must have sensed your eyes on her again. She opened her eyes and looked at you with that same perfect smile.

"You look distracted," she commented. "Why don't you join me?"

In bed or in prayer? You wondered. Knowing her, probably both. But being a lesbian meant not being able to say no when a pretty girl asked you for something. So you crawled from your seat on the floor across the room, up onto her mattress.

Once you had settled in, kneeled in front of her like the two of you were about to play patty-cake, she clasped your hands in hers. She didn't bow her head and close her eyes again, though. Instead, she gazed deep into your eyes as she prayed.

"Lord, today I say a prayer for women who feel rejected, abandoned, and alone. Help them to know that you will not reject them or forsake them. Hide them under the shadow of your wings, and give them strength and comfort in the midst of their difficult circumstances. Let them know that you will sustain them and be their shield of protection forever. Amen."

"Amen," you added in a belated mutter, because you were too distracted by gay thoughts to catch most of what she said. All you knew was that it started with, "Lord," and ended with, "amen."

"You're such a lamb," Rosasharon sighed, reaching up a single hand to caress your face. You leaned into the touch, despite the fact it caused her rosary to dig into the meat of your cheek. "I have no idea what compelled Nurse Thorne to assign you to Temperance."

What were you supposed to say to that? "Uh, yeah--"

"I can guess, though."

Please don't, you thought, but you could do nothing to stop her.

"Do any of the Temperate know your secret?"

The statement was so calm and matter-of-fact, yet it sent a jolt of utter panic through you. She was still looking at you, eyes at half-mast, but there was just enough of a tilt to her head to betray that she was looking for clues.

She knew you were hiding something, was fascinated by the puzzle of what exactly brought you to Camp Bethel. You couldn't blame her. Giving someone a mystery was like giving a child a wrapped gift. Working it open was the best part.

But once she did, what then?

"Is that why they're attracted to you, like bears to honey?"

More alarm bells rang in your head. You could see your horrified expression reflected right back at you in her eyes.

"I wonder..."

And that's when Rosasharon leaned forward and kissed you.

You didn't know what you expected, but this wasn't it. All reasoning flew out the window, leaving you to live in the moment.

Your heart beat in your chest, strong and violent as a war drum. You swore you could hear it, it made such an almighty sound. You were probably just imagining it though, seeing as you couldn't hear anything over the roar of blood in your ears anyway.

Your eyes fluttered shut of their own accord. Bright, brilliant bursts of light exploded behind your eyelids.

You gasped. And, when you did, she slipped her hot little tongue between your lips and licked into your mouth.

She tasted like vanilla-mint, undoubtedly the flavor of her toothpaste. You hadn't brushed yet, but it was too late now. All you could do was hope that your breath didn't reek of the roasted lamb you had for dinner.

She pulled away to look into your eyes again. You were panting like a greyhound after a race. Her breathing was slower, more steady, but still strong enough to rack her slender frame with each inhale and exhale.

Whatever Rosasharon saw in your expression, she must have liked, because she leaned in to kiss you again.

You knew what was coming this time, could have avoided it, but instead you just let it happen.

The next kiss wasn't as deep as the first. It was sweet, fleeting. As was the kiss that came after it, and the one after that. Your brain was too fuzzy to count how many she gave you, just knew it was a lot.

You exchanged embraces in the same way a younger you used to pull the petals off a daisy. Each caress: she loves me. Each separation: she loves me not.

When she came up for air again, you mewled and pawed at her like a newborn kitten, pathetic. She pulled you into an embrace so tight that it squeezed the air from your lungs. You could feel her sphinx smile pressed against the side of your neck.

"I know your sin," Rosasharon whispered. "It drives you. Every thought, every action... Your sin is lust." You whimpered as she let out a shuddery sigh right into your ear before nibbling on the outer shell. "I'm going to tell you a secret. Mine is too. So indulge me, would you? Let's become lust personified, so we may be washed clean by the sweet waters of baptism together and emerge... Immaculate."

Your brain felt like it was dripping out of your ears, liquified by the molten gold being pumped out of your heart and into every vein.

She was reaching up your skirt, hooked her thumbs under the waistband of your white cotton panties, and--

"Wait!" You cried out, grabbing her by the wrists before things could go any further.


"Do you--" You choked on your words, so you tried again, voice marginally steadier. "Do you love me?"

The smile she gave you wouldn't have looked out of place on the face of God Himself. "Oh, you sweet little lamb... No one --not even God-- loves you like I do," she said.

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