Mystery of Thorne

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Rosasharon stuck to your side like glue after that. She was allowed to socialize --talk to and touch other girls-- but you might as well have been a ghost for how little anyone so much as glanced in your direction.

I can't live like this, you thought to yourself, already feeling antsy after only a couple days. You'd go crazy. Or, worse, you'd slip up and get another girl hurt.

So, during one of Rosasharon's sermons, you slipped out. It was the one time she couldn't accompany you... At least, not without stopping everything, interrupting her little power-high.

Without thinking, your feet carried you into the camp director's cabin. You didn't know what you were looking for, just knew you'd know when you found it.

Where did Nurse Thorne go? What caused her to leave so suddenly? And why would she leave the camp in Rosasharon's care after your confession?

You looked for any clues but found not one. The papers in her desk and filing cabinets just contained personal information about all the campers, none of which interested you.

What you really wanted to find was the phone. You looked through all of Rosasharon's things in her cabin and didn't find it. Surely Nurse Thorne wouldn't have taken your only method of contact with the outside world with her when she left...

God only knew what you would do --or, rather, who you would call-- when you found it, but you still wanted it desperately.

With a frustrated sigh, you plopped down in the desk chair and took a long look around the office.

Your eyes stopped on the spot over the fireplace mantel. The empty spot over the fireplace mantel. You remembered, from your first pastoral counseling session and every one after that, that there used to be a gun --a pistol-- hung in that spot.

Each session you'd found yourself staring at it, wondering whether or not it was loaded, what its purpose might be. You never asked, trying to keep your chats with Nurse Thorne to a bare minimum.

The point was... It used to be there. And now it wasn't.

Where could it have gone? Why would Nurse Thorne have taken it with her?

You didn't have any answers, just a sinking feeling in your gut.

You needed to get out of here. And there was only one place you could go: Camp Bethel's brother camp.

Problem was that you had very little idea of where it was. Elizabeth knew, but she wasn't talking to you right now. In fact, she may never talk to you again, if she knew what was good for her.

You had no other choice. You would just have to retrace your steps from the night... Well, from that night. So you tip-toed into the woods behind Temperance, headed straight, maybe a little to the left.

It shouldn't take you more than a few hours to get to the site of the ritual. Assuming that was the halfway point between Camp Bethel and its brother camp, you should be there in no more than a day.


You were lost, wandering the woods, for over three days. You never did find the site of the secret bonfire. You walked all day, only stopping to drink from the occasional stream and curl up under a tree when it got too dark for you to see where you were going.

Just when you were about to give up all hope, lay down and die... You found it, stumbled upon civilization like a sinner might happen upon God in a convenience store. Camp Bethel's brother camp.

You staggered out of the treeline, leaned heavily against the nearest cabin, let it take all your weight.


You turned your head to find a familiar figure standing in the doorway of the boy's latrine. Gabriel.

He looked horrified. Which... Fair. You looked like you'd just stepped off the set of a scary movie. Your once-pristine white clothes were now covered in dirt and a bit of blood from where you'd been scratched by branches and brambles. Your shoes and socks were practically black with mud. Your dress was torn on one side, revealing your soiled petticoat underneath.

You lurched towards him like a zombie. He held out his arms to steady you and you all but collapsed into them.

"I want to go home," you whimpered.

"I know," he answered, rubbing slow, soothing circles between your shoulder blades. He could probably relate to you more than anyone else. The horrors of Camp Bethel's brother camp may differ, but they were no less terrible.

You pulled away the slightest bit, put your hands on his shoulders to steady yourself.

"Will you help me?" You asked him, desperation clear in your tone. "Will you help me get home?"

"I'll do anything I can."

You nodded once before reaching down to unbutton his slacks.

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