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There was nothing quite as awkward as unpacking your underwear in front of strangers. You wished you could treat it like a pad in middle school... Just shove it up your sleeve to hide it. But you only had short sleeves!

The uniformity made you feel a little less nervous. Nothing differentiated your underwear from one of the other girl's except size and the initials on the tag.

The quiet of your and Dinah's side of the room didn't help. It made you feel like you were doing something shameful. You thought about humming or singing to yourself, but you didn't want to disturb Louise and Chaeyoung.

The two of them were laughing and chatting like old friends... Which, to be fair, they probably were.

Well, mostly Chaeyoung was doing the talking. You had a feeling she was the kind of person who just liked to hear herself talk. But occasionally Louise would interject with a giggle, a gasp, a word or two of her own. Enough to make the conversation feel like it wasn't one-sided.

You wished they'd say something directed at you, maybe ask you a question, so you would have an excuse to talk to them. You didn't want to just butt into their conversation. It felt like they were punishing you for not answering their question earlier. Maybe you were just imagining that, though. The anxiety was starting to get to you.

Eventually you finished unpacking. Once you stowed away your empty duffle bag, you looked to Elizabeth. "What do I do now?"

"Pray," she instructed.

"Prayer isn't exactly my thing."


"I've never really prayed before." You'd only ever prayed when you wanted something... Like a new PS5 for Christmas or a passing grade on a test or a way out of bible camp. And even when you did pray, it took, like, two seconds. It wasn't a good way to pass the time.

She blinked at you in disbelief. "You're a new convert?"

"I'm not a convert."

"You have no faith?"

"Nope!" The p sound left your lips with a pop.

That's when the other girls all turned to look at you, just as incredulous as their camp counselor. There's a non-believer among us, their eyes seemed to say.

It dawned on you that you really should treat this more seriously.

"You should be in Faith then."

"I don't know what to tell you," you said solemnly. "Nurse Thorne assigned me to Temperance."

That's when she repeated Chaeyoung's question from earlier. "What did you do to get assigned to Temperance?" "Between you and God" your ass. Several seconds of silence passed by before she realized you still weren't going to answer. "You don't have to say it in front of the other girls if you don't want to. We can step outside and you can tell me there."

Everyone's gazes weighed heavily on you. You simply shook your head.

Elizabeth didn't like that. No, she didn't like that at all. She stepped forward, got right up in your space, took you by the shoulders and shook you once, hard. "Sin must be confessed before it can be absolved, Y/N. What you've done in the dark will be brought to the light. I'm giving you the opportunity to do it on your own terms."

Shame rose in you before you crushed it down again. You'd never confessed and you weren't about to start now. Swallowing hard, you shook your head again.

Her frown got so severe that her mouth became a thin pink line, curved downwards like a horseshoe. Then she smiled. You'd yet to see her smile in a way that didn't seem strained. She had a very still face, like a frozen winter pond. It made you wonder, fear, what lurked below the ice.

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