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pictured above is Elizabeth Thorne.


You should have known there would be Hell to pay.

Elizabeth showed up at Temperance not fifteen minutes after you chased out Nurse Thorne. "Get up," she instructed as you laid in bed, still feeling sorry for yourself and your injured friends.

"I don't wanna."

"Your wants don't signify, girl. Now get up and follow me."

"I'm not in the mood for activities today."

"We're not going to activities."

"Where are we going then?"

"You're going to Confessional."

Confessional, huh? This wasn't the first time you heard of it. Elizabeth used it as a threat, to ward off bad behavior. One more word and you'll be in Confessional for the next two days... Do that one more time and you're going to Confessional...

What the hell was Confessional? You didn't see any stall in the church in which Nurse Thorne could sit and hear girls confess their sins. She had asked you to repent at least twice: once in her office and once in Temperance. She never invited you to Confessional.

"I don't want to go." It felt like you were reliving the talk with your mom that led you to Camp Bethel.

"You can walk there on your own two feet or I can sedate you and carry you there. Make your choice," she said in a low voice while maintaining eye contact.

You thought about screaming for help, but who would come to your aid? The camp counselors were Nurse Thorne's puppets. They all danced to her tune. No one here would help you. No one here could save you.

You thought about pleading with Elizabeth, but you knew not to waste your breath. She didn't even like you. It wouldn't get you anywhere.

Well, if you were going down, you were going down with dignity. "Fine," you said, swinging your legs out of bed and slipping on your ballet flats. You were still in your pajamas, but you weren't about to change. "Let's go."

She led you into the woods behind Temperance. The walk reminded you of the hike to Dinah's mushroom farm. The smell of soil and flora. The sounds of insects and fauna moving around, unseen. The sight of the light disappearing and the foliage getting thicker. The feeling of your feet painfully throbbing in your shoes.

After what felt like at least an hour's walk, you saw it. Confessional. It was a small wooden box with no light or air holes and a number of locks --chain, bolt, and pad-- on the outside of the door.

It looked like an outhouse but, when she unlocked and opened the door, you saw there was no hole or place to sit. There wasn't enough room to sit on the ground, either. There looked like barely enough room for a grown woman to stand, even if she was very still.

"Get in," your camp counselor said.

"You're kidding, right?" This was Elizabeth. Of course she wasn't kidding. You didn't think she was capable of joking around like a normal person. "How am I supposed to fit in there?"

"Bigger girls than you have managed. Now get in." Or else, hovered in the air between you. You stepped inside, turned around, and she closed the door in your face.

Outhouse was too generous of a term. It was more like a coffin.

You listened as she put all the locks back in place. "Are those really necessary? I don't have enough room to kick the door down." She didn't say anything in response. "How long do I have to stay in here?"

"I'll come get you after dinner."

"You're leaving me in here for the whole day?! What if I have to pee?!"

"Then you'll either hold it or wet yourself," she replied. She sounded so nonchalant that you wondered if girls peed in here before. It didn't smell like urine, but it did smell of bleach.

God, what were you supposed to do in here?

Luckily, Elizabeth answered that question without you even having to voice it. "Pray, meditate, reflect on the actions that got you here... Do whatever you have to do in order to not go crazy."

"Alright," you said, misery evident from your tone. "Just... Don't forget about me, okay?"

There was a long pause, long enough to make you think she had walked away without so much as a goodbye.

Then, a whisper came from behind the door. "Everyone who's ever been in Temperance has ended up in Confessional. Maybe not for punching the director, but still... It's sort of a rite of passage. Even if you don't have faith in God, have faith in me. I'll be back to let you out as soon as possible."

You were shocked into silence and could only listen as she walked away. Even after you lost friend after friend to tragedy, she had never made a single move to comfort you. But the instant you were thrown in Confessional, she became soft and sympathetic.

Maybe because she had been in your shoes before? Who knew? There was no reading her, especially not with a hardwood door separating the two of you.

You took a deep breath in through your nose --inhaling enough chemicals to make you lightheaded-- and out through your mouth. Might as well pray the one prayer you had memorized. Maybe God would be so shocked and impressed that he would make time go faster.

"Hail, Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen. Hail, Mary..."


Confessional was just Camp Bethel condensed down to a single, tiny room. It was boring, it was torturous, it was torturously boring. Still, all awful things came to an end. Even if that end was death.

Countless Hail Marys later, you heard the deadbolts and chains shift as well as the padlock turn. "Elizabeth?" You called out, banging on the door with all your might. "Lemme out! Lemme out, lemme out, lemme--"

She threw open the door and you promptly fell flat on your face. Twelve hours on your feet turned your legs to jelly.

"Sorry," she said, almost as an afterthought. You weren't so sure she hadn't done it on purpose. Still, she was kind enough to help you back to your feet, support your weight on your way back to Temperance.

"So am I officially one of the Temperate now?" You asked sarcastically.

"You punched my mother," she drawled. You winced. Yeah, you did... The whole point of this exercise was likely to make you regretful for your actions, but you were still awfully proud of yourself. "You're never leaving Temperance now."

"Looks like you're stuck with me!" You wrapped both your arms around her neck, pulled her down to your level and buried your face in her throat. You must be delirious. This was still Elizabeth you were dealing with.

She stiffened at first but eventually relaxed in your grip, even went so far as to press her nose into your hair. "Yeah... I guess I am."

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