Welcome to Camp Bethel

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You spent the last couple weeks of the school year wishing you were dead.

Well, maybe not dead dead. Death was too permanent. You wished you were hit by a bus and fell into a coma. Something that would shake your mom up, make her worry, make her cry, make her change her mind.

You didn't want to leave home. Bad things happened to girls on the street... Especially young, pretty girls like you. You were forced to read Go Ask Alice in English class freshman year and it scarred you for life.

You thought about reaching out to your father, seeing if he could step in and advocate for you, but ultimately decided against it. You hadn't done more than talk to him over the phone for years.

If what your mom said was true... If he refused... You didn't know what you would do.

Every day after school, you debated throwing yourself in front of a school bus. One day you even "accidentally" tripped and fell in one's tracks, but it was going so slow that the driver managed to stop in time.

The school didn't even bother calling your mom and telling her about your brush with death! And when you told her yourself over dinner that night, she didn't seem bothered at all. She called you a drama queen, said you overreacted.

You countered that sending your kid to bible camp over a kiss was a massive overreaction. Dinner ended in a shouting match.

You begged and pleaded, but the start of summer found you standing in front of the sign for Camp Bethel. Your mom was trying to get you to smile and pose for a picture, but it was hard to muster more than a grimace when you felt like vomiting.

The only reason you hadn't puked yet was you had pomegranate juice at breakfast that morning and it would be impossible to get out of your "uniform."

You'd never seen a uniform like it before. Uniforms were usually blazers, plaid skirts, button-up shirts... Camp Bethel's uniform consisted of a white dress that creepily resembled a child's frock, a white petticoat, white knee-high socks, and white ballet flats.

You were dressed in white right down to your skivvies. That was part of the uniform, too. What kind of religion wanted to control what underwear you wore? Whatever branch your mom belonged to, evidently.

You sort of regretted all those years you couldn't be bothered to feign interest in her spirituality. Maybe if you did, you'd have a better idea of what you were up against now.

In your duffle bag, you had several copies of this outfit, in addition to white pajamas, a white one-piece swimming suit, a white apron, and a white veil of all things. When would you need to use that? You weren't getting married here!

"Smile, Y/N! Smile!" Your mom crowed, even as she snapped picture after picture of you frowning. Eventually you just walked away, looking to the campgrounds.

Girls dressed identical to you were still arriving. There seemed to be two kinds of girls... The ones that were already gathered together in cliques, laughing and chatting, and the ones that were clinging to the adults that brought them here, screaming and howling.

You didn't belong in either group yet, but give it time. Your hysteria may overwhelm your pride any moment now.

The grounds looked deceptively normal, like those of any other summer camp. It was a big grassy area on the edge of a lake, dotted with white buildings of various sizes. The drive here let you know that there was nothing else but forest for miles.

Then again, what did you expect a bible camp for troubled girls to look like? What did troubled even mean? Maybe they were all like you, gay girls sent here by their homophobic family.

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