Safe Harbor

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pictured above is Rosasharon Johnson.


The forest seemed endless, like it was just getting thicker and thicker the deeper you went. Maybe you had gone the wrong way and were terribly lost by now. You didn't know --didn't care-- where you were going. You just knew that you needed to get away.

Just when it felt like your lungs were bleeding, like you were coughing up blood instead of spit, you ran into something. Your first thought was that it must be a tree you didn't see. It was awfully dark, after all. But trees didn't have arms to wrap around you.

"Y/N? Y/N, is that you? What's wrong?" The not-tree asked. You couldn't see very well by the light of the moon, but you recognized that voice and the scent of vanilla.


She hummed a little, gave you a squeeze almost too gentle to be a real hug. "Who else would it be? You poor thing, what happened?"

You shook your head frantically, tried your best to pull away but she held fast. "I can't explain! I need-- I need to--" You were out of breath. You couldn't seem to get air in as fast as you were breathing it out. You stopped to inhale deeply. A sigh in reverse. "I need someplace to lay low."

"Come to my cabin, then," Rosasharon offered, as if she harbored criminals all the time like it was a hobby of hers. "No one will look for you there."

Without waiting for an answer, be it affirmative or negative, she took you by the hand and led you towards one of the smaller cabins.

Her cabin was easy to pick out, as it was the only one lit up. Which raised the question...

"What are you doing up past lights out?" You blurted out without thinking. Surely she wasn't getting drunk and high and doing pagan rituals in the woods like a godless heathen, like... Like you.

"I couldn't sleep, so I thought I'd go for a walk around the campgrounds while my electric tea kettle boiled," she answered in a whisper, her voice soft as a rabbit's fur. God, that poor bunny. What had you done?

I didn't do anything, you thought petulantly against the wave of guilt that washed over you. That itself was a sin, though, wasn't it? A sin of omission. You should have done something, but you didn't. Maybe if you refused to do the ritual, maybe... But you didn't, did you?

You tried to control the trembling of your lower lip and the watering of your eyes, but you lost the fight. "I'm so sorry," you sobbed, wiping away tears and snot with your free hand.

Rosasharon gently shushed you, ushering you inside. She sat you down on the edge of her bed with a box of tissues in your lap before busying herself making tea.

You did your best to stem the tide of fluids... And you managed, just barely. When you had yourself mostly under control again, she took away your Kleenexes --both used and new-- and handed you a cup of tea.

You stared into it like the pattern of residual leaves at the bottom would tell you your future. You didn't need it to tell you that your future looked bad, though. You don't know how much Nurse Thorne heard or saw but, knowing her, she'd probably assume you were doing something Satanic.

"Let me guess..." Rosasharon sighed before taking a long sip from her own teacup. She must have a mouth lined with asbestos, because the liquid was practically still boiling. "Elizabeth took you out into the forest to get drunk and high with a bunch of boys."

You stopped blowing on your tea and instead stared at her in shock, mouth hanging open. Silence stretched between you two for what felt like an eternity.

"I was one of the Temperate once too, you know," she said with a cryptic smile. "Elizabeth has always been a bit of a troublemaker, then and now. I should be the counselor for Temperance, not her. But Nurse Thorne is the one in charge... For now, at least. Nevermind that, though. Tell me what happened."

When you finally realized she was waiting for some sort of answer, you opened your mouth. But you were so ashamed that you couldn't force the words out. Instead, you lowered your gaze, gazing guiltily into your mug.

"I want to help you, Y/N. I really do. But you need to talk to me." After another beat of silence, she sighed and set aside her teacup. "If you won't give me anything, I'll have no other choice than to turn you over to Nurse Thorne."

"No! No no no no no!" The last thing you wanted to do was talk to that horrible woman right now, especially in your current state.

"Then confess," she said, like it was that simple. "For both of our sakes. It'll be easier that way... And you'll feel better afterwards, too."

So you spilled like an fucking overflowing sink. Really, though... What other choice did you have?

You were almost done recounting your version of what happened that night when there was a knock at the cabin door, followed closely by the squeal of its hinges. You turned just in time to see Nurse Thorne standing in the doorway.

Her expression was unreadable, but that neutrality was badly strained. There was a fissure in her mask of serenity. She was obviously feeling very strongly right now. She just didn't want you to know it.

"Thank God," she said, eyes rolling up in her head before she closed them, tilted her head up to look at the ceiling before nodding. Was she nodding to herself, to God, or to the two of you? Probably God, now that you thought about it. "She's with you. That's all of the missing campers accounted for."

"Yes, she has been for some time," Rosasharon answered. "I hope you haven't been looking for her long."

"No, my first thought was to check here when I saw your lights on. You're always so good with the campers, Rosasharon. Please keep an eye on Miss L/N tonight. She is not to leave your sight, nor is she allowed to talk to anyone in Temperance."

"Including Elizabeth?"

"Including my daughter."

"Am I in trouble?" The clear answer was yes, obviously. The real question was just how much trouble you were in.

Mysteriously, though, Nurse Thorne said, "No. You are not to blame... At least, not for this. I see now why we were not making any progress. My daughter has been acting the part of a false shepherd, to you and to everyone else I entrusted her with."

So Elizabeth was taking the brunt of the punishment. Fair enough, seeing as she was your counselor.

"We'll talk more about this at our next therapy session. I need to perform some emergency faith counseling right now. One of our girls has been badly, spiritually hurt."

Someone was hurt? The faces of all your friends flashed before your eyes. You may not like any of them very much right now, but you still loved them deep down. "Who?" You asked.

She ignored you, turning instead to the Faithful's counselor. "Rosasharon, I assume you're familiar with Psychology of Adolescent Satanism and Why Troubled Teens Might Turn To Satanism?"

What the hell were those?

"Yes, ma'am!" Rosasharon chirped.

Nurse Thorne nodded again, as if this were to be expected. "Start there with young Y/N."

"Who's been hurt?" You asked again. But the camp director had left, slamming the door behind her, before you'd even finished your sentence.

"Guess you and I will be the ones having the sleepover, huh?"

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